
Michael Palin is looking good.

I'm so jealous. Wish I could Eternal-Sunshine myself and taste them again for the first time.

Said the dentist: The tooth is out there.

They're also good to give people a sharp rap on the headbone. This move might be termed a skully.

Was the joke whispered in a mellifluous monotone?

Excellent; thank you. So maybe not quite as hard as going from vanilla earthbending to metalbending (as Bolin is trying to do), but certainly not automatic for any earthbender. (Especially considering Toph was exceptional.) Which means it makes sense for Korra to clean out the sand with *air*. Cool.

I wasn't thinking that she had. My question (clearly expressed in the earlier post) is whether a (normal) earthbender is capable of bending sand at all, or whether only (the specialized) sandbenders can do it. Please don't answer with obvious things that don't really get to the heart of the question.

There's never a lube-bender around when you need one.

Berlin is on *Defiance*!

I assume that a given firebender is immune to the fire he himself makes.

In Rassia, Dragon enters you!

I had wondered about that (honest). How to keep her waterless WITHOUT killing her. Seems impossible.

! You are so right. It didn't even occur to me.

I don't think I've ever encountered 14. But if we also count facepalm statements then maybe :)

And the water baddie is perfectly 'armless.

I like this.

"It puts the lotion in the basket!"

He's a sort of noob insta-master. Good points!

That's the one! :)

Exactly. Any plan that hinges on KILLING the avatar is not as smart as one where the avatar is kept alive but incapacitated.