
What's that meme about the character from the first show who MAYBE died? :)

I'm glad we saw Mako trying to use fire to break out. Otherwise that would have been ANOTHER question :)

I'll go with it: She would probably not have the energy to get all five of them out just with bending.

And your point about the water-extraction is good: She would probably waste more in sweat from the effort than she would even produce.

Re: the bubble, easily solved, no?, by stopping every few minutes and dropping the bubble for a moment (i.e., replenishing the air).

Indeed. (Whereas Katara, e.g., used to carry a bit of water.)

True, but I think avatar-world has menopause too.

I'm of the opinion that *motivations* shouldn't be kept a mystery. It makes it very hard to invest in the character, precisely for the reasons you cite. We keep having to defer and defer judgment.

Wait, Amon is a gentleman lawyer?!

And Chinese history!! I'm grateful for the context.

That part I never forget—but she could easily be more into management than the actual technical stuff. (Plus mech gauntlet.)

I usually dislike blunt reminders provided via dialogue, but this time I was grateful for Korra's "Asami, you are an engineer; what should we do?" because I had forgotten completely that Asami was an engineer.

They did keep the euphemisms, but still made it quite clear that she was dead and not merely unconscious and dethroned.

Is Korra's airbending powerful enough to whisk away five people inside, say, a rotating air bubble?

That makes sense! Thanks.

My eyes were fixed on Zuko for sure. I was also wondering how he stands in relation to Korra: what are they to each other? E.g.:

Zaheer is the only one of the four bad guys who isn't wearing his element's colors, maybe because he is not an air nomad.

I forget: How much can Korra do while her hands are tied up? Can she bend at all? Go to the spirit world or into the avatar state?

I'm glad the airship guard mentioned the thing about air being ubiquitous: there is no way to isolate an air-bender from her element.

lick* rather than "like" and
Armless is a water-bender.