
Her phrasing was telling: I'll go along in case anyone else makes this *mistake*.

This show has a case of women too tall and too hot for their husbands. But the weirdest thing is how many of them use the withholding of sex. At one point we had three in the same episode. (The immolation guy's wife.)

"Jamal = both the Fredo and the Sonny" was a great insight/encapsulation of same. Thanks for the reviews! It's too bad the show isn't better and/or more popular here.

Ah very cool!!

Right! And like someone mentioned last week, the old man should have gone ahead and risked sounding crazy at the airport and blurted out something about symptoms that *mimicked* death—that could have saved a lot of time and grief.

I agree re: "weird imputations of motive" and the assumptions about where the show is coming from ("outside" of…).

Plus he looks better bald, plus the wig is actively distracting.

I hate the similar widow-spits-in-the-face-of-man-trying-to-offer-his-condolences (he-kinda-killed-her-husband).

That line was so bad.

She doesn't feel safe in quarantine. She wants to go back to CTU, where her husband works.

True. (Though I cringed at the absurd intuitive leap that led the doctor to guess that the worm would be drawn to blood.)

Not only do I not want to watch a compressed, lite _Kramer vs. Kramer_, I strenuously do not want to see a CliffsNotes condensed version of every support-group scene that has ever been shown on TV.

re: _Falling Skies_:

The Master's success does seem slightly overdetermined. Any one of the various routes—morgue horde; little French girl; the four survivors—would have been enough by itself.

I tend to agree [with @Mat]. He was introduced now, patiently, at the beginning, rather than, say, in the same ep where he kicks vamp ass or whatever. His segment was in itself entertaining (IMO). And it revealed character, to wit the way he almost cheerfully met the chef's angry recalcitrance. There's really no

[I just gave myself an aneurysm trying to do something with "fecal impaction." Maybe we should just hold it.]

The Master's movements reminded me of the giant puppets in _The Dark Crystal_. He's probably CGI, but he moves with the jerkiness of practical effects. I kind of like it.

Okay, you and I are tied now.

Boy do I hate TV characters whose only function is to stupidly impede progress (which oddly equals facilitating the advancement of the plot). That Secretary of Health and the dude House of Wigs grabbed by the lapels were ridiculous.

I feel as though the makers of this show did not push themselves enough and instead just plopped out a first draft and it somehow made it all the way to the screen. It's awful to see a pro lapse like this.