
"Gummer"? More like "mugger"!

I do? Shtako.

Those last five minutes of the episode felt like product placement for the Music from _Defiance_ CD. It was a good montage and all, but it went on forever.

Alternately: "Things have come out of my… but not my…"

Imminent eye roll not only for the reveal that the doctor is collecting info for the corporation [and showed her a pre-taped, fake sonogram] but also for the Spawn-of-Streep infidelity plot with ER guy. (though her background reactions during the long take were hilarious)

I, too, was surprised by the pace.

You mention a HAL quote… I figured the circle-walk was homage to _2001_. (Horizontal rather than vertical here.)

When Tywin's onscreen, I'm team *him*; when Dany does something awesome, I'm team *her*. If Jaqen wants the crown, as far as I'm concerned, it's A Man's. The old Avenger would also rule the crap out of the place.

There was a bit of a retooling and it was generally for the best; it might have gotten better over time. I don't get why they would under-use Carrie-Anne Moss like that.

For one thing, I honestly didn't know that movie-theater segregation would have included the sheriff's-department office-manager.

Like those cartoons of the sheepdog and the wolf who looks like Wile E. Coyote. Punch in; fight on opposite sides all day; punch out; greet each other amiably.

The "Mack the Knife" song at the end, with its use of "Mackie," certainly leaves us thinking of Savino as some sort of ancestor to his role from The Shield.

I assume the (corrupt) governor or whatever he was (the one the FBI guy went to talk to in Tahoe) finally did betray Porter Gainsley.

re: your username

It's weird that a forward-looking, directed evolution would lead him to be "retro" and proudly sport something vestigial.

More like DEport her, amirite?

That is mighty cool.

Or, for a mild spin, one Olive and a gajillion Peters. (Oops, accidental porno name…)

And they would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling China vetoes!

[Hispanic accent]