
well, i mean, 9 times out of ten, if you check any mattress in any hotel in the world, ritz carlton or no, it's going to be covered in disgusting invisible things. i'm sure that bedding was brand new, considering who the guest was and why.

that's true. which is why colbert making fun of it is way more effective. colbert's ratings prove it's no waste of time.

"alleged human dynamo"

she's like a version of rafi or taco from the league. to be fair, such people exist, they're just usually dudes. females can be assholes, too, though.


oh god please yes. so much bullshit.

this isn't really outlandish for him. he's been sort of doing this his whole career, right? he was married to aaliyah when she was 13 or something. it's his business model.

nothing that was admissible in that trial. he was sort of a local vagrant in a way. he was legless and on disability, and he would hang out at bus stops and harrass people. he'd been arrested for that. they allowed that in the retrial, and that's basically what got him convicted. we didn't get anything from the

i was on a jury years back in an aggravated sexual assault case concerning a girl who was about ten and her step-father. there were three hard "innocents" on the jury: the three middle aged working class black ladies. they said "little black girls always lie." the three hard "guilty" votes were white people who were

i like that character, and i'm not a fan of the billy eichner's thing generally. something about doctor's being social idiots rings true. i also really identify with having to deal with a significant other's stupid friends.

we flew united a month ago. there was a guy who sort of half assed tried to start some shit with an attendant because he couldn't just upgrade to first class for free. i get the feeling they're getting a lot of that sort of business…

it's their programming. we are very easily programmed, but we cannot very easily see the programming in ourselves. every single one of us does completely illogical things simply because you do what you do. they are not any different from you or me. you can tell from the healthcare debate, because that's real life.

yeah, that's why people are bummed. the real world has finally come knocking.

i was just down there for a week last month. texas has always had its own character, and it was decidedly unfriendly this time.

dang! that's probably a drive by truckers song, or will be.

oh yeah, texas thought obama was coming down to take over. god, fuck texas. for real. even austin is shit nowadays.

i know, right? i mean, you could see the seams on every presidency in my lifetime. the shuck and jive that keeps everyone riled up while they do the dirty work in the back room. i remember monica lewinsky, sure, but i also remember us bombing a hospital in yemen right in the middle of that. genocides in eastern

nobody expected trump to win. they've been reshuffling and tripping over their shoelaces since then because of it. the reason it doesn't make any sense is because nobody has a plan for any of it. they've been talking obamacare repeal since obamacare was a thing, but they never bothered to get their ducks in a row to

that is funny, but i think a census taker got lynched in kentucky or west virginny the last time.

which is exactly why trump will hang around awhile. our conservative friends and neighbors have their blinders on, and they are going to keep them on.