
well, people are dumb assholes. you don't have to feel bad, it's not your job to not look at the sun. that was literally his only job. plenty of people out there apologizing for him.

fear not. no reason to defend him. it's not like a good chunk of his job hasn't traditionally been optics. not looking at the sun during an eclipse, like everybody's been trying to tell their chilluns, like trump himself would've surely been telling barron, is basically a lay-up. what, he didn't know he was on tv? why

ziggy wants to flat out punch one of you.

yeah, if i'm a person living in that world, those dragons have to go. that's like there being only three nukes in the world. you have to get rid of em.

jumping the hut.

honestly, i thought the reviews of the first season of daredevil were harsh and didn't really seem to see the show the way it was meant. then daredevil got boring 3/4 of the way through the first season, and none of these shows has gotten my attention back yet. i keep checking in and getting bored.

new orleans already lost.

that lee money still exists, you know.

plus, and this is a biggie: the environment down there is shitty. it's probably 95 and so humid you can't breathe in mississippi right now. new orleans is sinking. all the cool people could leave, and the rest of it can be eaten by the mosquitos and mismanaged into the sea. nobody loses.

you're not getting any point across, obviously.

oh, i know. i feel like the only people i knew growing up who would actually admit to reading were the same people that would go on and on and on and on about civil war generals and battles and horses. there are so many reasons i don't live in the south anymore.

no, that's them in a nutshell. and you can't talk to them. they use the same mental muscle for this stuff that they use for god. there's no reasoning with that.

true. i would say there's more of a counterpoint attitude in the northeast. there's a disconnect everywhere in america, but it dominates in the south. the south is just one giant fuzzy "unite the right" rally. i mean, it's safe enough to visit, especially if you're white or rich, i just don't recommend spending your

basically, yeah. they don't feel connected. i remember one cousin saying after 9/11 "i didn't know any of those people; it's nothing to do with me." that was a guy with a wife and 3 kids at the time. they see the rest of america basically the way it sees them: misinformed and willfully ignorant. they go to new york

people that like horses sometimes own more than one.

ok, so i looked it up, and he had another horse named truxton at some point that had been descended from andrew jackson's horse of the same name. two famous southern horse's asses.

truxton. i'll admit, i took everyone's word for it. family history in the south tends toward bullshit.

i agree, but it's hard to upvote. my family is just now scrounging up from the bottom of the pit, and they're kind of right at that edge of getting the boot out of their faces. but they're in on this, and they're only going to learn any different by stumbling. hell, the holiest, church going-est ones of them are the

yes. i think twenty billion (and counting) statues of current and former humans would be dumb. super narcissistic.

we've reached the nonsense we were heading for.