
that's always been mccain's role: the fightin' spirit of the ol' gop. he's the grumbly conscience puppet. he was bush 2's foil, too. he's a good story, put to use when needed.

you know, i honestly think most people are willing enough to go back to sleep. it's just that the trumps/gop/american-conservatives-in-general keep fucking up really openly and loudly. they keep waking the liberals up, when we really want to go back to preoccupying ourselves with bullshit like normal people do. my

i'm 40. liking something from the past in no way means i remember any of it. i remember stuff i love. i did not love parks and rec. i loved ron swanson in cornrows.

i'm hoping for a different headline, that would possibly get me in trouble if i actually typed it out.

they may acknowledge that privately, but trump's useful to both republican and democrats right now. he's useful to the republicans because they're still passing legislation that he signs while everyone is distracted by his bullshit. he's useful to the democrats because he's probably their platform in the midterms

any of the parks and rec relationships except for ron and tammy 2. i liked that show, but everything except ron and tammy 2 was really forgettable to me.

they have to be shitting themselves at a hundred year high right now. they better also hope donald trump owns some of samsung, because he otherwise probably barely knows or cares about south korea.

i like that version of blood sugar sex magik with anthony kiedis edited out.

yo, what happened on that show after the talking turd? i can't handle talking turds.

they always threw away better songs than most bands ever write. i remember when the internet was first getting to be a thing, i used it mostly to try and find crowes outtakes.

to be fair, they said they were "experimenting". like when you throw an old tv set off the roof to see what happens.

hell, kansas has even started back-tracking on their total-republican government.

it's old studio sessions and outtakes, some interesting soundboard recordings - that kind of thing. the really interesting stuff has been floating around online for a few years, but there's some better sounding versions popping up. there's also a lot of songs i hadn't heard. steve gorman said they'd planned on touring

black crowes. they've finally committed to not being a band and just hating each other full time. one of the apparent side affects of this is that there's a ton of cool stuff coming out online.

well no duh. these two ding dongs are part of that whole circus.

the answer to that question is that show bidness ain't about morals. i've had limited experience, but i've learned that the vast majority of entertainers (especially successful ones) are people that'll gut you without blinking for a little stage time. they're very forgiving of each other's faults because they have a

anecdote: before we left kansas last winter, i had a conversation with one of the guys working at love garden in lawrence. he said that vinyl sales were booming, but it was more that kids were coming in and buying the same 5 records. the boom was coming from the fact that EVERY kid seemed to come in and buy the same 5

what if he was in the ozarks filming a snuffy smiff movie?

it's the only one he bought from this one lady. or the only one we know.

lemme fix this: "Has anyone stopped to consider that maybe Florida sucks because all of you assholes from Europe kept coming here after Columbus?"