
I flew out to Salt Lake City last year to visit a friend who lives there. I knew I was truly on my way to Utah when I saw a woman get on the plane wearing a shirt that said "Porn kills love."

We're really into octocreampie, if ya knowwhatahmean.

So the M and N keys are located right next to each other? And people often hit not the one they intended, but the other? Get right out of town.

The bitter taste of that would have been cumbersome.

I can respect and admire standing up for your friend and advocating for your town and its music scene. Honestly, I appreciate that. But, speaking as a guy with a lot of friends in bands from OK to great who also like to do jokey stuff and have fun with what they do, this still sounds like the kind of thing that would

Or make all 10 bands use the same gear and set up.

When I was in college in the late '90s, some fuckhead prankster played Celine Dione's Titanic song on the bar jukebox several times in a row. I don't know how many times it was, because people were bitching after the first one, downright angry after the second and somebody physically moved the jukebox out a few feet

Avatar/comment synergy over here.

I don't remember that, but I do remember when the Ataris played their cover of "Boys of Summer" before the All-Star game in '02 or '03 or some time around then.

You come on. Watch it again and tell me they knew they'd get put in the exact right jail cell with Lester if they got arrested for getting in a bar fight.

As someone who has spent some time in Sioux City, though never flown in or out of there, I can confirm SUX is very fitting. Plus, who the hell flies out of Sioux City except for maybe people in the immediate area? I lived about 45 minutes away for a while and I still had to drive to Omaha to fly anywhere.

The great Bo Jackson once flipped me and my brother off. Actually, it was the drunken lout sitting right next to me in the left field stands who was harassing him, but we like to count it.

Thank Jesus they've left us fun-loving drunks alone.

Shit, that's a good point.

Much better than Varga's, but not as good as mine.

I can't see how it makes sense that Meemo tipped off the cops. If he did, why are they then trying to kill her in jail? If they wanted her dead, he could have easily taken care of that before she was arrested. Plus, Varga explicitly said they were going to pin Ray's death on Nikki in the previous episode, so why would

They didn't deliberately get arrested. They were frustrated and pissed off at each other, got into a bar fight and got thrown in jail. You could see the surprise on their faces when they realized they were in the same cell as Lester.

When Wrench was in the hospital, Malvo gave him a key and told him to look him up some time, or some such. I don't remember if it was established that he knew Malvo was killed or not. So he's been floating around for four years hunting for Malvo or something.

My older brother used to do that all the time. Late at night, or when our parents weren't home, he'd go through and carefully open all the presents to see what they were, and carefully replace the tape. He very rarely got caught and even showed me what I was getting, though I told him I didn't want to know. He was

The vehicle was registered to the company, which allowed him to create at least some deniability that it was him driving.