
Cum judge? Man, I don't remember Night Court being so filthy.

Call me cheap, but Yakety is the only kind of sax for me.

And now I'm mixing up Louie Anderson and Richard Karn.

You're thinking of the love child of Harry Dean Stanton and Richard Dean Anderson.

And what the hell's got everybody so worked up in Luxembourg?

"Swedish" gets put before "chef" where I'm from.

There are plenty of ignorant dumbfucks here in Kansas, but I've only ever heard one person pronounce it Ree-sees. And that's my wife when she's just goofing around. She knows the correct pronunciation and is ree-sez.

How do you pronounce former player and current Kansas City Royals' first base coach Rusty Kuntz?

Both of those spellings look like Boe-man to me.

Not to mention the comments. Number of comments also drives what gets coverage. So a comment by itself does so, not to mention one that generates a bunch of replies. They don't give a shit about what the comments say, only how many exist.

Kneel before Todd.

I see, thanks. And that experience taking the test with video Trebek asking the questions like some stern grade school teacher sounds awful, yet something that makes for a good story.


Just finished "The Deer Park" by Norman Mailer," which was alright. Yesterday I started Denis Johnson's "Train Dreams" and will probably finish it soon. I'd never read any of his stuff and just heard about him from his obits last week. Never too late, I suppose. That's how I got into Harry Crews, whom I love, as well.

The liquor stores in my town had that deal on for the last week or two also. That's a seriously good deal. I got the All Day IPA twice and the PC Pils once. Not crazy about the latter, but it was fine and still a good buy.

Upvoted for The Embarrassment. They were a criminally underknown/underrated band. I think they would have been huge, or at least a lot bigger if the internet had been around in their day. I got to see them at a reunion show about 10 years ago, which was pretty great.

Was Save Ferris the band in 10 Things? I seem to remember them being in some movie around then.

Goddamn, I'd like to try that ceviche. I love ceviche, but grew up in the middle of the country where it's not common. Any tips for a noob on how to make it?

Do they give you your score when taking the test? I've only done it once before and don't remember hearing/finding out how I did. I know they do on the practice test, but that would be interesting to know.

There's nothing wrong with naming bands that you like in response to that question. Whatever genre those bands fall in, if you looked around, there's almost certainly going to be some stuff you do and don't like. In fact, I'd say listing specific bands and songs you like is a better answer than just blankly listing