
The Violent Femmes were never feminists.

Without knowing precisely what the danger of Kinja is, would you say it's time for our commenters to crack each others' skulls open and feast on the goo inside?

Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go put some water in catgun's momma's dish.

Amen to Block and Tackle. That was my absolute favorite NFL writing anywhere. Goddamn I'll miss your superthreads, Pops. Especially since the Jets offense will most likely be fantastically shitty this year. And where will I go to talk shit now that my Raiders are finally getting good again?

Silly Little Showbiz Book Club was also reliably great. Always a funny, often hilarious takedown of self-important showbiz types, Z-list celebrities, disgruntled kids of stars and hangers on. It saved us all from having to read such trash, but gave us a general idea of the insanity and outsized egos of so many.

Ahhh, Now I miss Zodiac Motherfucker and his slanderings of Noel Bitchass Murphy.

Downvoted for shameless upvote pandering.

That someone aware of how much we hate this shit? You guessed it…Frank Stallone.

All I know is never bet on the white guy.

Everything about that song is an abomination.

Pretty much any decent-sized city in the USA

I saw Armored Veal open for Warrant in '88.

My dad has told me stories for years of snapping turtle hunting. Apparently when he was younger, he and friends would wade through marshy, swampy land with a pitchfork, feeling around for shells. When you felt one, you'd just reach down and pull it out of the water. Apparently they were relaxed enough under water that

That pig may have been a dickhead, but just imagine how delicious he was when he died.

My wife and I are seriously considering trapping rabbits to eat. We have a shitload that run through our property all the time. I'm not completely sure if it's legal to do so in our city, and she'd be kind of squeamish on the killing and cleaning part. Though she has eaten it in restaurants and liked it.

I've only ever had goat in Indian restaurants. But they make a damn good curry with it at my favorite local place.

I've eaten and cooked a fair amount of venison hunted in Nebraska and Kansas, and if done reasonably well it's pretty damn good with not much gamey taste. Of course, jerky is one of the most popular ways to do it and is damn good, but you can also make kick ass tenderloins, back straps and ground up like hamburger

I can never see it spelled like that and not hear "c'vunt" in my head. And Reagan was a real c'vunt.

Fuck off, Mr. Leahy!

Or like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both dying on July 4th, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the U.S. of A.