
You would know.

That makes sense. But that definitely doesn't happen in the U.S., which makes it more glaring when it happens in American movies and TV.

For my money, Rocky IV is hands down the best one. You can argue the first one is a better, or more competent movie, or whatever, but IV is so batshit it blows the rest away for me. Plus James fucking Brown is in it!

Gummer Balls? I hardly know 'er balls!

Fair enough.

It's the best game to watch, but definitely wouldn't be the best to play if you wanted to win a lot. You might get lucky like this guy, but chances are you're only going to win a few thousand at most. But if you just want the experience, sure.

Politely smiling? Christ almighty man, dial it down a notch.


"Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize, half of 'em are even stupider than that."
-George Carlin

Care to join me for a belt of scotch?
It's 7:30 in the morning!
Yeah, but I haven't slept for days.

So how did you post this comment, then?

I would watch the shit out of that.

Fineoakstructure? Are you named after a bourbon barrel? Could you answer in the form of a video featuring a cute redhead?

Kind of like in movies and TV when someone just says "beer" at a bar, as if there's only one kind.

No, it's in Eden Prairie, Minnesota. And also Eden Valley, where Gloria works and her step dad was murdered.

Larry's Vestigial Penis

Lesbian Nazi hookers abducted by UFOs and forced into weight loss programs, on the next "Town Talk!"

I'muffaletta you finish, but the pun thread earlier on this article was one of the greatest of all time!

I'm no fancy law talkin' guy, but I presume they're putting language in the contract or fine print or whatever that says you can only win up to 250 pounds of shrimp now matter how fat your ass is, to avoid such a suit.

The jumbo-est of shrimps.