
He is also quite stupid, so that's a real possibility.

I like to picture Jesus with big angel wings and he's singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd. And I'm in the front row, just HAMMERED drunk.

Every time there's a chance for a pun thread they have to Ramadan our throats.

And the home country of Osama Bin Laden!

So, is that what they meant with all the Make America Great Again shit? Take it back to when good country music was in the mainstream and not underground like it is today? Because that I could get behind.

I'll grant you that there is a little wiggle room for what is "properly cooked" steak. Maybe you like it a little more pink than I do, or vice versa. But cooked well done is fucking wrong, end of story. It's a ruined steak and takes all flavor out of the meat. There's no need for ketchup on a steak ever, and if it's a

So what's your favorite X guitar solo? That Billy Zoom was something else.

I was 13 when Clapton Unplugged came out, I believe. Hearing his stupid fucking voice singing Layla and that acoustic wankery 873 times a week, on top of my general puberty angst, drove me the closest to murdering someone I hope to ever come.

Screaming Females! Marissa Paternoster plays so many great solos. Just raw, dripping power and feeling when she plays. I love her.

A good cut of steak cooked properly, rare to medium at most, will not be chewy. Cheap cuts, and anything cooked well done like President Fuckface likes it, will be chewy though.

He was secretly Willie Stargell.

If you could describe your inflatable bar in one word, what would it be?
Uhh, is crap hole one word?
Yes, if it's hyphenated.
Then I'm goin' with crap-hole.

*Roars approval, quickly hides drink behind back*

And it's pretty douchey to be doing a bat flip when you hit a solo homer while down 8-3, no matter what your average.

Did they all suffer strange misfortunes?

The genitals line was a call back to a running joke this season about people not being sure of Poovey's gender. Archer says "I'll kick you in the…genitals," Figgis says "I'll shoot you in the…genitals" and then Poovey's "Are we all just gonna stand around yankin' our…genitals?"

And of course Robo-kitty licked its ass after staring at Krieger for a few seconds.

That's a good possibility. Plus, this show has always been fast and loose with the timeline. Why would they change that now, just because Archer's coma dream says it's 1947?

I'm not going to argue this was the best episode of the series, but: Varga didn't piss in the cup, he just swirled his junk in it. Yuri then filled it with water, which you could hear off screen. He even said so to Emmit later on. Also, the other guy didn't pull the gun in the office, he just moved his jacket back to

I said the same thing to my wife during commercial. They had to know Stella would find it first and leave. Otherwise if Emmet saw it first, he would know with zero uncertainty it wasn't him and have no reason to pay them.