
I thought they had beaten her to death at first too. But then I remembered you saw Yuri carrying that whip. So I think they were just striking her on the back with the whip or whip handle, which would hurt like hell and leave nasty damage, but probably not kill someone.

Trump isn't in office yet? He said he himself he gave the Russians classified info. That is, after they tricked him, which the White House has also copped to.

And where can I get one of these bourbon briefcases? Asking for an alcoholic friend…

I DVRd Fallon exactly once. It was the time he had Keith Richards on as a guest and A Tribe Called Quest on as musical guest. I probably could've looked those things up on Youtube as well, but it was easy enough that way.

Or you dodged a huge bullet.

They mention the talk of his over-drinking, then later in the article mention he is talking to them while sipping a lukewarm Budweiser.

Do you want more?

I saw that part as well. It doesn't help to downplay rumors of your alcoholism by drinking while talking to a reporter.

My wife and I made braised ribs and rigatoni last weekend that turned out pretty well. You get some spare ribs, brown them in olive oil, take them out, sautee some onions and garlic in the oil, then add crushed tomatoes and their juices with some crushed red pepper and braise the ribs in their for a few hours. Then

Upvoted for Woodpecker from Mars. One of my all-time favorite instrumentals.

One of the craziest things I ever saw was four lanes of freeway traffic coming to a halt to avoid hitting a family of geese. Several years ago, while driving through St. Louis, my wife and I noticed traffic slowing down in all lanes. We figured there was a wreck, but as we got closer, we saw that a momma goose and

Are you suggesting Muthafuckin' OG Henny Lowe is not doing a fine job?

But he'd still be contributing to Linkin Park's coffers. We can't encourage them like that.

I don't even own a visitor.

Ba - yeah!
Zing - yeah!
Ga - yeah!

My wife accidentally picked up a chocolate flavored Muscle Milk from the store the other day, thinking it was just a regular chocolate milk. Now it's sitting in the fridge, partially drank, and every time I see it I can't help but yell FIGHT MILK!!! And make a crow noise, of course.

Don't forget the many beautiful ladies.

I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.

No, it was an article here about several people who had some disorder that prevented them from being able to eat anything more than one or two foods. Several of the people in the story said they could only stomach plain toast or maybe bacon or one or two other things. They often said it made life really difficult and

I do it after intercourse, to add some yo mama flavor.