
So are all these people naming their kids Creed doing so in homage to Apollo Creed or Creed Bratton?

Of the New Haven Space Robots?

This reminds me of the Reno 911 episode when Clementine Johnson was dating a guy named Steed and got his name tattooed on her back. Later, when he pissed her off, she had the tattoo guy change it to say "Steely Dan."

I have a feeling "Space" was in popular culture long before your parents bumped uglies.

I knew a guy in my hometown who, when I would walk my dog past his house would yell "hey dog, there's something following you!"

How do you keep up with the news like that?

And Lux Interior!

Anybody who hits Kid Congo Powers in the face deserves to burn in hell for a thousand eternities.

It's not his fault somebody told him Ad Rock had a heart attack, man.

Serves you right. Goddamn, no good foreigners, always coming here to America and watchin' all our videos.

Autocorrect is the level.

I really could turn to someone right now. I'll talk to Janice.

Hey, who am I to tell you Brits how to pronounce your insults? But it sounds fucking crazy to me. Twat rhymes with shot over here, but we can agree it's a fine insult, right?

Hey, the Marlins have fans! They have that one guy who travels all over the country wearing his bright orange Marlins gear and sitting in very prominent seats so the camera can pick him up, sitting there in his outfit that looks like a deer hunter on ecstasy is about to pick up trash on the side of the highway!

No, because James Franco isn't even in the first 20 minutes or so. But once he shows up he's creepy as all fuck and great.

I guess that's the only way I could see it making sense. I'm American, but I've never even heard a British person say it rhyming with cat. Plenty of times hearing it the other way, though.

Are you saying twat should rhyme with cat? Because I have never, ever heard anyone pronounce it that way and have heard people pronounce it in a way that rhymes with hot for more than 30 years.

Plus, the one guy who dared look into Varga at all ended up dead pretty quickly, so they know he doesn't take kindly to people trying to push him out, or find out more about him.

It's possible he was just using that as a bullshit line to convince Emmit to sign on because, look, I'm already making you richer.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud when Sy said cremains "are the preferred nomenclature."