
Yeah, I have a drinking problem. Two hands and only one mouth, brah!

I love that they give you a plastic sporque.

Who among us hasn't made some bad decisions while going after college girls?

5. But that's five words. Seven if you count "three words."

But how will you know who your beloved Patriots draft tonight?

He was in "Supermensch" the documentary about Shep Gordon and looked pretty normal. People forget that he directed that too, and it was pretty damn good. Maybe it was because it was a documentary and he wasn't playing any characters, but still.

You should do a drawring of it.

Is your dog a hyper-hypo?


Cookie Monster's Irish?

I was gonna say Lisa Bonet ate no basil.

Are you saying "Funny Farm" or "The Great Outdoors" is an awful movie? Because if it's the former sure, but if it's the latter, FUCK YOU, GREAT OUTDOORS IS AN ALL-TIME CLASSIC AND I WILL FIGHT YOU TO THE DEATH!!!

Your mom has beaver cheese on her slice. Not sure if it's Venezuelan.


Another Fargo movie nod I haven's seen anyone mention yet: The gas station attendant was watching "The Gophers" hockey game on TV, ala Wade.

FXX had the Always sunny gang say "cocksucker" and "c u n t" as well. I guess they're just flaunting standards and practices now.

You were talkin' about her ass with your boss?

And Wade got shot, so he couldn't have taken it.

Vanilli Milli?

And the choice of "American Wedding" as the song by Gogol Bordello was fitting as well. Especially after Varga was waxing about international differences and what he doesn't get about Americans.