
Yes. Buscemi shot Wade (Jerry's father-in-law) on the top level of a parking garage. And then, being pissed off that he got shot in the face, shot the attendant on the way out. Jerry's whole scheme was to invest in a land deal for a parking lot. But that was in the late '80s and Jerry got busted, so perhaps their

I would've guessed they had Old Dutch chips, like I saw everywhere last time I was in Minnesota. And like Margie and Norm were eating in bed in the Fargo movie.

The A/C spinning shot seemed to me like an homage to the spinning bowling ball shot in The Big Lebowski.

Probably should have been wearing gloves and probably not shaking hands with people immediately after they pissed in a cup and handed it to him.

The Stussys aren't twins. They even mention in the episode that Emmet (the rich, curly-haired one) is older.

Sure you can. A penny is worth one cent.

If I had to venture a guess I'd say just about every "_____sluts" domain name is already taken.

Call me old fashioned, but I'm still a fan of porno porn.

I always figured I would phonetically spell Darth Vader's breathing more like a 'hhhoooooe paww."

Thanks. It most certainly was all of those things.

I've never hooked up with co-workers, but my wife and I have got it on in my office. We made sure to come by late on a weekend when we knew no one would be there and still locked the doors behind us. We also hooked up in our college newspaper office when we were students, which was shortly after we met. I guess you

But you most certainly should be asking yourself "What would Randy Savage do?" In all situations, sexual and otherwise.

I've never heard of pheasant under glass, but I ate plenty of pheasant growing up as we went hunting for them every year. But a lot of people in Nebraska did, rich or not.

And in true Hollywood fashion, they cast a living guy to play the corpse.

There's an actor named Barry Pepper who was in the Coen Brothers version of "True Grit" playing the character Lucky Ned Pepper.

Angels fans should've learned this lesson with Tim Salmon.

I thought pneumonia affected the respiratory system, but I'm no doctor.

In that case, I'll remember to bring my own rain barrel to fill before entering the stadium if I ever make it to a Mariners' game.

Go with the Royals. They may be good, they may suck terribly, the fun is in not knowing! Plus it can remind you of when they knocked the Jays out of the playoffs two years ago.

The guy next to him.