
Furlock Bones.

That was a killer marketing campaign, by the way.

I once saw a band who did the all-hands-in "Whooooooaaaah Bundy!" thing on stage immediately before they played. They later told me it's their tradition before every show. I liked that.

Plus, he's been shot, what, dozens of times before? He even commented on how many times he's been shot and how likely he is to come down with lead poisoning before.

Walton absolutely deserves to be on this list. Every time I've ever watched a game he's working I can barely finish it, and then only if it's my team playing and I really want to see it. He makes the game all about himself, rambles about bullshit that has nothing to do with the game, interrupts his partner, laughs at

I don't remember hearing about Generations A-W. Or Generation A&W.

Psshaw. I refuse to watch anything that is ever associated with advertising at all. Only local junior high plays for me. And those only if they are presented in a theatre without any sort of corporate branding or underwriting.

Just curious, what features do lesbians look for in a vehicle that other folks don't?

A douchey car salesman? Well I never…

I pictured Conan doing one of those "Alex Trebek has lost his mind" sketches with the phrase "eat me" in it when he said that.

The soundtrack is the sole, entire reason my wife hates this movie and refuses to ever watch it again. Needless to say she is not a Simon and Garfunkel fan. And we weren't around in 1967, so your point stands.

So he lives in that fabled area filled with horny MILFs?

Speaking of Sleater-Kinney riffs and adrenaline, "Jumpers" off "The Woods" has one of the greatest, most kick ass riffs I've ever put in my ears.

Depending on my mood, "All Hands on the Bad One" is my favorite S-K album, or no worse than third.

Agreed. The fact that they were able to take 10 years off and come back with an album just as great as their others (or at least close, depending on your tastes) is incredible. The previous one "The Woods" is right at the top of my favorites of their work as well.

Yes, I'm sure he's had more than a few cherry pies in his time.

And what are your feelings on the tangy zip of Miracle Whip?

Bob Uecker is a goddamn national treasure.

He who HA HAs last HA HAs best.

I don't think I'd go so far as to say I like him, but I don't hate him near as much as everyone else seems to. For my dollar he's not near as obnoxious as Tim McCarver, Harold Reynolds, Dick Vitale, Bill Walton, Troy Aikman etc. etc.