
You said if I slept with you I wouldn't have to touch the drunks.

And you got your head all the way up it!

The Immortal Lee County Killers kick ass. But they may not count for this list since the name of the place is not the only part of their name.

I thought we were done with these threads for good. But I guess sometimes they come back. Hopefully this one will be thinner.

I work on a campus now and I hate the bike riders who pay absolutely no attention to stop signs and act like traffic laws don't apply to them at all. Those motherfuckers are just asking to get run over.

When I saw Rogue One there was a couple sitting a few seats over from me. The woman's phone rang, which was bad enough that she forgot to put it on silence. So she started fumbling around for it, I assumed, to silence it. But no, she fucking answered it and carried on a conversation like she was watching the movie in

Some times I'll slow it down to 40 if I'm in a school zone.


That picture reminds me of when we went to Christmas services at my wife's family's Methodist church. I was raised Catholic and my then-brother-in-law was raised Lutheran, I think. Anyway we were both used to being handed the wine cup to take a sip. But their practice was to rip off a chunk of bread and dip it in the

We most certainly don't. We can get good and shithammered in our own towns and we do. Quite often. It's just nice to see new places once in a while. And of course, get drunk while you're there.

Man, I wish my church had a menu. The body of Christ is the same bland flavor every fuckin' time.

The A.V. Club
It's a lot like the AV Club commenting section

When I was working on my college newspaper we had a writer who was pretty sure they were spelled dognuts. And he would even say "it's easy to remember, because it's 'dog nuts.'"

A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I drove by a David McDavid Ford dealership in Texas. We agreed it could only have been better if his middle initial was D. With the D being for David, of course.

I believe Kyle Chandler is the same guy, despite the different-sounding name.

The only spring break trip I ever took was my senior year as well, and I went to New York. It was colder than fuck, but I was still quite drunk for a good chunk of the trip.

Estonia. The rest of Europe can go fuck themselves, or TROECGFT.

You couldn't just kill them and give them to the foodbank? Kind of like a designated hunter? And how did you capture them? And do you mean you only captured/killed half of them, or only got to keep half of the captured/killed?