
My sister-in-law is always posting libertarian bullshit on Facebook. So there's at least one, I guess.

Rush tribute band, huh? Like I said, there's no way he's into good music.

Those first four, sure. But there's no goddamn way Mike Pence is into good music.

Whenever Dennis Farina isn't on the screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Dennis Farina?"

Surely the Germans have a word for it, though.

I've always assumed it's more of a German pronunciation, like "Ree-luh." But I have no idea if that's correct because I've never heard anyone say his name out loud, correctly or otherwise.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought he was a Murray brother for a long time.

My wife always freaks out when she sees spiders and wants me to kill them. She doesn't like it when I take them outside, but she tolerates it because she ain't gonna touch them herself.

If he leaves during his term Lt. Gov. Jeff Colyer would take over.

Didn't Cleo McDowell live in the Jamaica Estates neighborhood?

Speaking as a Kansas resident, I can tell you many, many of us are counting the days until that fuck is gone. Whether it is to an ambassadorship (hopefully, because that would be sooner) or the end of his term.

Hey! Kansas ain't that bad.

Some of us can only dare to dream we will get compliments from @MisterCreepsTheFirst:disqus some day.

As soon as I read the name Finn Wolfhard I knew these other names would be making an appearance down here. It was just a matter of time. Thank you for not making me scroll too far.

How do you keep up with the news like that?

When I started reading his detailed descriptions of Michael Jackson's skin tone and dick I knew it was time to check out of that comment section. Shame too, because Rabin's article about that book was awesome and there was unlimited potential for jokes in the comments.

I'd say the Chicago-area meatwave of ought three was the true Chicago tragedy, if not crime, of the 21st Century. An estimated 40 people died!

Same here. It's amazing to think now of what it would have been like to see that first Ferris Wheel, so gigantic and novel and probably terrifying for a lot of people. Plus, that would have been the first time many people saw electricity in use in large scale, with the lighting of the White City. Plus it was all

Damn. First I'm expected to read the articles on which I'm commenting, and now I'm supposed to read the details of comments to which I'm replying? Maybe this job isn't for me.

A quite young Troy Aikman indeed, before he suffered all the brain damage that forced him to retire.