
There are people who don't?

I believe the proper hyperbole in this case is he or she is worse than a thousand Hitlers and Trumps combined.

Katy Sagal.

What is Eas'er?

"I'd like to see a nude opera. Because when they hit those high notes, I bet you can really see it in those genitals."

Because I love being pedantic, and think it's interesting that the story has persisted for so long, I always have to point out that Harrison most likely died from typhoid, and not pneumonia. Even his doctor, who made the diagnosis, suspected pneumonia might be a secondary diagnosis. Plus, two other antebellum

And let us not forget Gina Gershon.

That dress she was wearing on the Craig Ferguson clip embedded above. Jesus H Fucking Christ.

As a fellow bald guy, let me tell you the Hamid Karzai hat does nothing to protect your ears from the sun. Sure, your dome might be covered, but otherwise you're screwed.

The Cubs may have won, but the Cleveland Indians already have the infinitely superior movie. There's no way in hell this future pile of shit can touch "Major League."

Amen. But the Royals winning the very next year was pretty damn great.

*Rick Rubin promptly trips over own beard*

Right Now is the sole reason I took Crystal Pepsi very seriously in the early '90s.

That, and Pierce Brosnan's version of "Running With the Devil" fucking sucks.

Sorry, missed that.

Why is putting yourself before your friends incorrect? Sure, it would be more selfless to say "my friends and me," but that doesn't make "me and my friends" automatically incorrect. Is it some kind of courtesy/chivalry thing?

If that's the case, I'm glad we both replied with jokes from there on.

Then say something like "JFK and Joseph Stalin, two famous world leaders of the past, are no longer dead and are somehow now strippers who we invited to one hell of a party."

Then you'd fit right in around here.

You're not following the test I listed. Remove the other people. You wouldn't say "me went…" You would say "I went…" So in that case "My friends and I went…" is correct.