
Sometimes "me and my friends" is correct, other times "my friends and I" would be correct. An easy way to tell which is which, taught to me by an editing professor: Just remove the other person from the sentence and use the one that would be correct.

That example is bullshit. When I read that sentence I don't interpret it as the writer saying JFK and Joseph Stalin are strippers. They're simply listing three people, or groups of people, they invited. Adding one comma doesn't change that, and it's not necessary if you're not a moron or a pedantic bastard.

He did rape a checkbook, after all.

"Oh come on, sir. I've done everything but bend over backwards for you, and my daughter did that!"

Drop the damn cat food!

Oscar Gold is indeed great, but what I really love about that episode is Roger continually being foiled by poor construction of his villain's lair. And of course repeatedly cursing the contractor.

Oh damn!

It never fails. Every single time I see that name in print here, or hear someone say it, the Stelio Kantos theme song immediately begins playing in my head.

Steve's troubled relationships with animals are always funny. He obviously is an animal lover, but I always lose it at the episode when he tries to befriend the injured stray cat which repeatedly attacks him.

These pornographic magazines will keep my men from resorting to homosexuality while on the high seas.

I didn't say every single football player or jock is stupid, but a goddamn lot of them are. You can't deny that.

Lots of alligators.

“The big trouble with dumb bastards is that they are too dumb to believe there is such a thing as being smart.”

Maybe that little cartoon General has been filling his head with crazy ideas.

Pretty sure you nailed it with your last statement. A while back, a few friends of mine were talking about HBO's "Hard Knocks" show where they follow a football team through preseason camp. They were very surprised that what's-his-name Goff was dumb, and reiterated that he didn't know the sun rises in the east. While

Yeah, sure buddy. And next you're gonna tell us he has a ridiculous haircut. Imagine that!

I thought they put that on at the factory.

And the sides are nothing to write home about.

There used to be a Walgreen's in my neighborhood that advertised PRINTER CARTRIDGES NOW HERE on its marquee. I always read it as "Printer cartridges nowhere."

Probably not a totally bad idea either. A lot of pizza delivery drivers get mugged, so at least they might have something for self defense.