
Just passing on what I learned from other heroic commenters. Spread the word.

We? I. You know, the royal we, like, the editorial.

Does Mayor McCheese even have a nose?

add ?permalink=true to the end of the URL when you click on a newswire to unfuck it up.

But only other Deadheads will fuck them.

Awful big of you to give due credit as well. Let's all spread the word!

This is the first I've seen that. You are doing the Lord's work.

We're not tradin' horses here Jerry.

OK then.

Me and a few million other people use AT&T. You callin' us c u n t s?

Kielbasa and all manner of sausages such as bratwursts, Polish dogs etc. are different and much better than hot dogs. I agree ketchup on a good sausage is an abomination, but on a cheap hunk of shit meat like a hot dog, go for it.

I never knew Heinz made baked beans until I saw that Mad Men episode. Then I thought maybe it was something they did in the '60s but have since shifted their focus to ketchup, because I've still never seen a can of Heinz beans.

True or False GRIT?

I could see avatars at the top of the comments, now everyone is the shadow stick figure. What the fuck is this nonsense?

Kansas City is indeed fine, as someone who lives near there, but I'd say it's a few notches finer than Middle Era Weezer.

I think maybe, just maybe he was being a bit hyperbolic for humorous effect.

I don't have another name for it than syphilis, and never knew there really were others, but I do refer to my brohter-in-law as "my dipshit, alcoholic, syphilitic brother-in-law."

I thought you were the guy who cleans up the loads.

I don't have any Magnum condoms or a wad of hundreds, but I am ready to plow.

That's true for everybody.