
The Catholic Church did.

Upvoted for "stoppages and penalties and Jay Cutler."

Yeah, I get that. The NFL is pretty much evil when it comes to any form of player safety. Just pointing out that people do get concussions playing soccer, especially young people it seems. Going for a dumb joke.

Or sometimes you have to pitch to him because first base isn't open, or because it's early in the game and would be dumb to not even take your chances on a guy that might hit a homerun, but is more likely to strike out or ground into a double play.

Americans don't like soccer because there isn't enough scoring. It's as simple as that. We're easily bored. Take complaints about baseball, for example. People think it's boring, because runs aren't being scored every inning.

And nearly three of those hours have been commercials.

Doesn't condone head injuries, huh? Then how the hell do you explain that 1,600 percent in concussions in youth soccer?

Anybody who's famous can "write" a book. No matter what they're "famous" for in the first place. Just get some ghost writer to churn out some shit, slap the celebrity's name and face on the cover and you got yourself a book.

I like Canadian bacon. I'll give you the point that it can be rubbery but it's far from flavorless.

Land no Calrissian

I wanna set the record straight. People are saying we used diseased meat. We used good meat from diseased animals.

Jimmy Rollins may have played for the White Sox at the end of his career, but that doesn't make him white.

The one where they tailgate at The Eagles tryouts is gold. The family doesn't have a whole lot to do other than dance with Charlie and freak Frank out, but still, that's a classic episode.

You mean to tell me there are smart kids at both small colleges and large universities Trebek? Well, I'll be damned.

Juuuuuust jackin' it.

Holy shit, I never realized that was him. Probably because I saw that episode before I saw any Trailer Park Boys. Who were Julian and Bubbles in that episode?

It wasn't the first thing I ever stole, but your story reminds me of a time in college I stole something. Me and several friends went to a nearby small town because it was having its annual summer celebration, which turns into a big party and street dance. Well, it rained that year, so everyone crowded into the bars.

There were a few families named Reinhardt in my home town. But I don't remember if their potato salad was worth a shit. There were just too many dishes to keep them all straight at the church potlucks.

I don't know, but it better not be German potato salad.