
Have you seen improper glory holes?

One of my parents' friends had a beer coozie that said "I have a drinking problem: Two hands and only one mouth." She always used that thing when she came around.

I like the way Snrub thinks.

Perhaps it is your wife who sucks.

But, just look at that cat up there! He or she deserves an album dedicated to his or her fuzzy little self. Yes, he or she does.

Robbie Fulks is awesome.

Holy shit, that's perfect.

I thought you meant President Harrison Ford from Air Force One, or whatever that movie was called. How long did he last?

His jeers at Dennis and Charlie were pretty funny too. "That's not sexy!"

That's not how palindromes work.

And how does one do that?

The worst thing about Ballast Point to me is the price. $15 for a six pack? Get the fuck out of here.

Beer that can only be 3.2% alcohol by volume. So, essentially, domestic beer that's even weaker.

Kansas is pretty fucked up too. You can buy all kinds of liquor and beer at liquor stores, but you can't buy any mixers at all there. They also have to keep all of the ice outdoors, but can sell it.

I used to drink a little, now I drink a lot.

There's been trouble brewin' in Ireland ever since the Potato Famine.

You're too late. They've already set up shop at 123 Fake St., Anytown, USA.

I don't think I ever tried Red Wolf, but I remember drinking a good amount of Red Dog in high school.

Just reading that name immediately made his theme music play in my head.

Principal Skinner and Miss Krabappel were in the closet making babies, and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.