
We'll see. I mean, I hope to Christ you're right, but he's wriggled out of so much shit already I just can't get my hopes up about anything until it's done and set in stone.

Meatbodies' new album "Alice." Just great, fuzzy, psychedelic garage punk.

Upvoted for The Pack A.D. I saw them several years ago with a friend. Even though I knew nothing about them they kicked ass and I'm really glad I went.

"You don't change horses mid-stream" was the bullshit saying I heard most.

And then, once you have the goat testicles you can return to getting the weemen. I assume.

The Free State Brewery in Lawrence, KS makes a beer called Brinkley's Maibock in this doctor's honor/dishonor. And yes, there is a goat on the label.


Who doesn't?

They fared much worse than the guy of similar ethnicity who locked his keys in his car. It took a while, but he was eventually able to use a coat hanger to get his parents out.

Then some times I'll shake my head back and forth like, No, No, don't stop a-rockin'!!!


Well, I'd like to see that!

It'll always be That Shithole Where the fucking Broncos Play to me.

The first time I went to a Buffalo Wild Wings in my town it was with two guys from work after we finished up on a Friday. There were two guys in there, probably in their mid-40s, who were clearly drunk as shit and had been drinking for several hours. The one tried talking with us and when we made it clear he was

And they're way too goddamn salty. I know fries are supposed to be salty, but McDonalds goes too far. I always feel like a need a liter of water and some blood pressure pills after eating their fries.

Maybe they wear them to support their hamstring injuries. Or to keep their thighs from rubbing together and getting chafing when they run.

For sure. I used to work at a newspaper that would send me out to do restaurant reviews for a feature magazine it published. Of course I never had a hard time finding a photographer to go along and even another writer, just so we could order and try more stuff. They made it clear up front, however, that they weren't

This trash cinema is garbage!

With nail polish?

Inside Tony Montana