
This is why I like the college football overtime rules. It's basically football's version of an inning. Each team gets a possession/at bat. If, after that, one team is ahead it's all over. If it's tied, you play another one, then another and another, as long as it takes until there's a winner. And after, I believe,

But he ain't never scared a crow that didn't deserve it.

The way he clamps his hand on the neck of Chong's guitar to make him stop playing always cracked me up.

He also does college basketball games on Fox Sports 1!

I also don't have a window to throw it out of.

My wife and I still quote that scene.

If you like Cheech and Chong at all "Things Are Tough All Over" is worth a watch. Yeah, it's not high cinema, but it has plenty of funny gags.

Helloooo, Mexican Americans like to answer the telephone, and say hello, to who's on the other end…

Stacy Keach's interview with the reporter is absolute gold.

My parents had an eight track of "Cheech and Chong's Wedding Album" that I played relentlessly. Even though I didn't understand a lot of the humor and had no idea what weed was I loved that shit.

Seeing them come back out from under the table, coke all over their mustaches, eyes-bugged-out and conspicuously sniffing will never not make me laugh.

My older brother bought Nice Dreams and Things are Tough All Over on VHS when he was in high school. I have a lot of fond memories of watching those at least 25 times each. I don't know what the hell this reviewer expects from Cheech and Chong movies, but to put those two near the bottom? Horse shit.

I don't even own a pot.

I always love it when you live up to your username like this.

That's the first thing I thought of.

*Testing, testing*

Toby Keith did get kicked out of the Ritz fest, however. Who wants to hear a bunch of rednecky shit country when you're trying to enjoy a celebration of crackers?

They dry rub me the wrong way.

The only guy I ever knew from Naperville always said he was from Chicago. But, in his defense, he said this to people in Nebraska who would have no fucking idea where Naperville is. And people from the suburbs often say they're from the nearby major city when they're in a place where no one should be expected to know

Better than a Probey Queef.