
I don't even really remember what the dream was about, but my alarm went off during the dream phase, and as I was groggily coming around, I was trying to remember the last names of the guys from Mr. Show. Except it wasn't in relation to Mr. Show, I just had Bob in my head and for the life of me couldn't remember his

"The Fortress of Solitude" by Jonathan Lethem. I'd never read any of his work, but a friend loaned it to me. I love all the intertwining music parts and relate to a lot of the stuff about a young kid growing up with only a few friends and the awkward struggles every kid goes through. It just switched over from third

Catharine Beecher is a boring old biddy!

I've never seen Archie Bunker's place as I was too young and have only seen All in the Family through reruns. But Archie gets girlfriends? Did they kill off Edith for the new series?

Cloud Nothings' new album "Life Without Sound." It's another great, noisy rock album. A bit lighter in places than their previous work but I'm digging it a lot, though I'm not crazy about the title. But that's a very minor complaint.

Hey, Surly only looks out for one guy, and that's Surly!

I'm really glad we got our mortgage through a credit union. Not only did they get us a good rate on refinance (3.375%) but they're really easy to work with and have actual humans that answer the phone and don't act like I'm ruining their day if I show up with questions in person, unlike the big banks.

How does a dog sit on a hound's lap?

Also a great Toots and the Maytals song.

*Person eats the all-new Chizza*

And if it blows up, we'll all remember reading about it here first.

Exactly. He wasn't happy he didn't kill Delaney. That's exactly what he wanted, a dead Delaney, and since he didn't get it, he was certain he was about to die and trying to make peace with his maker.

Yeah, I'm aware of the dangers of clear and even green bottle beers, but I've never had a Corona that wasn't terrible.

I think it's mostly a problem with restaurants saying "uh, yeah, that's gluten free." But there have been instances of gluten free recalls by major food manufacturers.

I've heard people use hoosegow, dead soldier and horsefeathers all within the last year or so. And I say hoosegow myself fairly regularly.

So I've never heard of MSG allergy or sensitivity or some of the things you guys are talking about here. But, when I was younger, I was struggling with controlling gout and a doctor once told me that MSG can trigger that and it would be good to avoid it. Not sure if he was full of shit.

And not only that, people are labeling food as gluten-free when it actually isn't. Because they know the trendy dieters won't notice the difference. But people with Celiac's suffer for it.

Well, if Corona doesn't contain piss, then why does it taste like rancid piss? Explain that one, smart guy.

Careful which theater you and your mom see this in. You might get kidnapped. Although that could lead to hijinks, so fuck it, throw caution to the wind!

Last time I was in Brazil, everybody outside of the party I was with guessed I was German.