
And you just know a ton of these racist dumbfucks are descended from German immigrants too.

Would it work for steaming other things, like say, vegetables? I've never tried and part of me thinks no, but who knows?

I love that he was bringing boxes of supposedly amazing wine.

Barrance Whitfield and the Savages toe the line between punk, R&B and rock and they kill it with a sax.

So, do you have a whole bunch bunch of soul, funk, ska and rock in your circular file? Or do you only think it can't be used in punk? Either way that's pretty dumb.

"I Made a Mistake" tells the story of the time Willie severely shorted one of his bandmates on a bag because he weighed it while extremely high.

The Man With the Golden Bunt

Oh come on, Casino Kansas City Royales was right there.

As an average white fan, I'm still angry at whoever wrote Fuck Face on Billy Ripken's bat.

Fuckin' A's, this sounds like a good movie.

We Royals fans get a lot of mileage out of BFIB jokes, including the infamous picture of a guy holding a sign that says "Get a brain! MORANS" while wearing Cardinals gear.

*Attempts to dropkick Shock and Au Contraire, but misses when he stops running, then rolls around as if in agony even though landing the same way I would have on a successful drop kick*

I personally think the biggest problem was the quality of play. When it was announced, I remember saying to my then-roommate "it's just going to be a bunch of NFL rejects playing the games." And sure enough, a bunch of good-not-great players were out there in stupid uniforms playing pretty much the exact same game but

They were so XTREME they didn't have room for capital Es, brah!!!

So there was the Las Vegas Outlaws, and what, four other teams also in Las Vegas? What the hell is the deal with all those other logos that look like an "LV?"

TLC stopped being about learning shortly after Waterfalls. I didn't learn shit about AIDS from those awful songs.


Oh come on, it's A LOT better than Bud Light. Granted, that's kind of like arguing that something is a lot better than liquid herpes, but still…

That kind of rhymes. You should write a song around that hook. Or perhaps I should give myself that advice some times.

Ask what now?