
Dog homy?

I'm pretty sure charity was the reason every woman who's ever gone to bed with me used.

You can bet your sweet ass Stuart is belting his heart out to some Winger.

You can bet your sweet ass Stuart is belting his heart out to some Winger.

I'm always advocating for college football. It doesn't have quite as many ethical problems as NFL, plus the quality of play is much more entertaining. Maybe you can wean yourself off the NFL teat of terribleness that way.

I grew up in Nebraska and there were many debates after the '94 and '95 season (when they won back-to-back titles and absolutely destroyed everyone) if the best college team could beat the worst NFL team. I think it was probably the Cardinals at that time.

Now that you mention it, I do have a thing for turf toe.

How does this phenomenon work in "12 Monkeys?" He's bald in the beginning, but in the flashbacks and later in the film, he has the wig and fake mustache that Madeleine Stowe glues on his face.

I can confirm this. My brother is a film editor and while talking to family back home last month several of them honestly had no idea what a movie editor is or does. And I don't mean the fine details either, they honestly had no idea that movies were edited together.

Maybe they meant colonization of the first planet other than Earth. Otherwise that makes no sense.

I'm just gonna Papa Roach in the clip and enjoy the show.

Careful bro, he does crossfit to Rage Against the Machine.

They do love the Q bands in Gardner. But not Queens of the Stone Age, that's a bit too loud.

Coyotes are a kind of dog.

Or the icebergs with bees in them, so when they melt they shoot bees at you!

Devil Antlers and Bulbous Protrusions is my new metal band.

You can play a show with my band, Yahwe is My Leopard.

The one year I played fantasy football Pope of Chilitown was my team name. And here I thought I could adapt it to a band name some day.

I've only ever seen that band name in print, and for a long time, assumed it was pronounced "Chuh-verches."

I hope that album has a song called "Ahh shit! The Doobie Brothers Broke Up."