
Even post-apocalyptic futures?

I'd say Hot Tub Dine Machine, but neither fine nor dine rhyme with time.

I figured "sausage sizzle" is also some sort of euphemism.

I can think of a few religions that don't. Pork sausages, at least. Up to you if you want to consider that an entire culture.

Iron City tastes too metallic? I mean, it does have Iron right there in the name.

I have a friend who works for my local microbewery as a maintenance guy, keeping the machines working. He gets something like a case free per month. He doesn't drink a whole lot of beer, so there's been several times he'll come to a party at my house or other friend's place with a case or more he just gives away to

I've been drinking Coors Banquet for several years now. Every once in a while some old guy in a bar will see this and say something along the lines of "Holy shit, they still make Coors original? And a young guy like you is drinking it? Back in my day that was the cheap beer of choice." I'm 37 and this has happened at

I drank the shit out of it when I was in high school. But I can never seem to find it around any more.

I can confirm Beast Ice will lead to this kind of night. A bunch of guys were drinking it for one of my friends' bachelor party once. That night led to a visit to the nastiest road-side, fires-in-trash-cans-outside-the-joint-truckstop strip club I've ever seen. When we got back to the town we were staying in I was so

Sapporo is indeed good shit, in my drinking opinion. I've generally had pretty good luck with Asian beers, including Tsingha, Kirin Ichiban and others.

Speaking of Olympia and Lone Star, I've been able to get both of those at various times in Nebraska of all places. A good friend of mine there loves Olympia. And I've been to bars in Texas where I asked for a Lone Star and they scoffed at me, apparently because it's too cheap for their tastes.

I love that idea. I wish a bar near me would do that.

I've had similar problems with High Life. I don't think the taste is great, but it's not revolting. But it's made me sick on several occasions and even drinking just one gives me a gut ache. I've never been able to drink enough to get a hangover for these reasons.

Take the tour and they'll explain it to you in fine detail! I've been to the A-B brewery in St. Louis twice, but don't remember exactly what it's all about.

Read his other comments on this thread. Dude thinks no one actually likes beer and are just pretending it's good so they can get drunk off it.

I went deer hunting with some friends last year and at the end of the weekend, when it was time to clean out the cabin we were staying in, nobody wanted the Busch Light another guy had left behind. So one friend packed it all up in a trash bag and hid it in the back seat of my car. I didn't find it until I got home.

Coors Light is all about the packaging gimmicks. They used to tout their "wide-mouthed cans" and some sort of vent near the mouth that was supposedly supposed to make it pour into your mouth more smoothly. That, to me, was a tacit admission they know people only drink it to chug and get blasted on. Still, as I said

Try a Miller Light, Bud Light, Keystone Light, Miller Hi-Life or Natural Light from this list. For my money they're all much MUCH worse than Coors Light. That's not to say Coors Light is good, but I'll take it every single day of the week over those other piss waters. Coors Original, often called "Banquet" is actually

Oh come on, this is just stupid. OK, you and many others don't like the taste of beer. But I and millions of others do. It would be just as ridiculous if I said "Everyone likes the taste of beer. People like flamingwombat are just too big of pussy hipsters to admit to liking what everyone else does."

Oh yeah? Well, slightly less interesting factoid: I once saw Ice T in a Times Square titty bar. His bodyguards really were THAT huge.