
Cubs generally know how to rub me the right way.

Hey, are you Tea Lizard?

You're thinking of Billy Joel.

Don't mind if I do!

That kid would be about 25 by now.

Surely some enterprising dealer to the rich and famous can get those two douchelords in the same room and supply them with a tainted eight ball.

The thing I hated most about Hole in One (Or Two!) was the grammatical error whenever Bob would hit the button and flip the golf ball around for a second shot. (I don't know if they still play this game, I've never seen it under Drew). Anyway, when the ball flipped around, the word "one" disappeared. So it just said

Look at those sideburns! He looks like a girl.

"Light beer and head trauma—two great tastes that taste great together."

Come fuck on the…

And seeing them in their tiny car was a pretty good sight gag at the very least.

Is he the guy that's gonna build the wall?

That's the best reason to vote Trump I've heard yet!

Careful with that pickax, Eugene.

I'm pulling for Cleveland too. While I don't have any local or family connections to them, I've really wanted to see them win ever since first seeing "Major League" in the theatre many years ago. Plus, I think it would be hilarious to see them finally breakthrough by beating the Cubs. Because I'm kind of a contrarian

I've never had a gin I liked. Granted, that's not very many. But I do like the idea of martinis. Which gins would you recommend?

I have some friends coming to town this weekend, one of whom is a longtime Cubs fan. We'll be watching Game 4 Saturday night and, if the Tribe doesn't complete the sweep, Game 5 on Sunday. I'll be having a small watch party at my house with them and a few friends from work, another one of whom is a lifelong Cubs fan.

As a fellow former journalist/editor I can say you'll probably like having the stability/better hours/better pay that come with leaving the field (assuming you're getting all those things). I do miss it in a lot of ways, but not so much I regret getting out. Plus I work in a field that's fairly well related now. Good

I've been playing music with some friends and recently, it's really started to kick into gear and we're improving. At first, we just met at one guy's house and we played a bunch of acoustic covers. Then we realized we have a warehouse where we can plug in and practice and it's really turned things on in my brain. As a

Jerry Boardgulf