
Or Killebrew?

So, uhhh… wanna share a summary for those of us who also don't know and don't want to Google it?

I think you're probably right about this. I have no animosity toward the Cubs as a team. But I do have several Cubs fan friends and it's really fun to troll the shit out of them over the Cubs' century of suckitude. So I kind of want to see them make the World Series this year, only to lose to the Indians, who haven't

"You ever notice how all these super anti-abortion people are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?" -George Carlin

I was wondering about that Tom Waits bit too. I haven't seen "Stop Making Sense" (I know, I know). But when they went from Talking Heads to what looked like Waits' famous Austin City Limits set, I wondered what the hell was going on. Did Talking Heads shift into Waits territory in their film?

This kerfuffle is turning into neo-post-core-gate!

But the kids love that one!

I 'rooed back in the day. Those shoes with the velcro kicked ass!

Oh it wasn't just a mere debate. As the article tells us, the election was Sunday night. And we all missed it!

It wasn't a musical, but my family went to a stage production of Clue around 2001 or so. They gave you the little notecards and encouraged people to try to figure out whodunnit. But when the house lights went down it got hard to see your notecard and most people gave up. But my brother and i kept up, and he was the

William Carlos Williams already did the whole double William thing.

For sure. That reminds me of the time our cat knocked my wife's bong off a shelf and broke it on the tile floor. It stunk like bong water and the bleach she used to clean it up for about two weeks.

Have you ever smoked up and gone to a good museum? It's a lot of fun. Not necessary by any means to enjoy said museum, but a lot of fun.

I remember hearing that Pink was supposed to play her at one point.

I absolutely love "Walk Hard," and agree it's rendered most musical biopics irrelevant, but I wouldn't say it ruined "Love and Mercy." That film was different enough from the "Ray/Walk the Line/La Bamba/whatever" films that it didn't fall into all the same traps. The focusing only on two specific periods of Wilson's

Oh sure, like the pope has never got so drunk you were still buzzed when you woke up the next day.

Aww goddammit! I should've looked one post down before making a Simpsons reference.

Will they haul ass to Lollapalooza?

The first time I saw them was in '01. The opening band was an act I hadn't heard of at the time, but after a song or two my brother realized who it was (it either wasn't announced or we just didn't look into it) and told me it was Suicide. They were goddamn incredible and I looked into them after that and was even