
Those two Heavy Trash albums are dynamite.

Cool. Glad to hear you're doing well.

Are you the former Ricky Coogin, or do we just have multiple people with imaginary daughters hanging around here? Maybe I should get one.

He's the motherflippin'.

Don't tell me they have a recording of the dog saying vile shit. I mean, it was bad enough that he was always trying to sell the secret family recipe.

Big Mouth Billy Bass?

My personal favorite was a meme posted by my cousin's wife about how awesome it was to be a kid in the '70s when you could ramp your big wheel off some plywood and your parents didn't make you wear a helmet. Unlike today's pussy kids and their overprotective parents. I guess she forgot she's an overprotective mother

I could swear I've seen John Goodman as the colonel somewhere.

I agree with your assessment. I haven't seen any of the documentaries they've parodied, but have thoroughly enjoyed every episode. (I have seen some Vice episodes though). But I think as long as you've seen some documentaries and are familiar with some of the tropes and beats they often hit you can enjoy the show. It

You sir, are a visionary.

Is that like when you hear your upstairs neighbors getting it on?

I still jerk off manually.

But you have to get dressed to get the food and alcohol to your house in the first place. Or at least you should, I suppose.

I honestly have nothing against Denver as a city. But I do hate the fucking Broncos and was going for the easy joke.

How dare you, that was a tender embrace and a loving kiss.

Bob Uecker is a goddamn national treasure. I wish he could call all of the Indians' postseason games as Harry Doyle.

Upvoted for Geno 911.

Sounds more livable than Denver.

Punting is winning!

Mingo only pawn in game of football.