
I've been working in and around journalism since college and a very high percentage of journalists I've ever met are pretty rumpled-looking people. At least in their clothes. And instead of because of a movie making them look that way, I figure they looked that way in the movie because that's what journalists actually

In my experience, the most vain people who have any interest in journalism go into TV. Also, some of the worst writers.

Whose using Who? What should we do? Well you can't be a pimp and a prostitute too.

As did the pre-determined GOP script. They accidentally posted on their website the pre-written blog post about Pence winning the debate before the debate even happened.

I'd also like to chime in.

Wait a minute, Dikachu is Billy Joel!?!?!?

That dogfood-on-the-lightbulbs and the reactions of both actors has been one of my favorite bits forever.

Jim Nabors is way cool.

Butt stuff.

Deez Nuts: Still a thing people say, for some reason.

I think Weird Al himself is the only one who might argue with you on that point. But he'd do it in a very polite, charming way, of course.

Wait a minute, you're politely expressing an opinion without claiming that everyone who does like this show is stupid or that they're wrong or only like it because they're somehow supposed to?!? Am I still on the Internet?

I look at it like this: Think of how stupid the average football player is. Then realize that almost all coaches are former players. And, in addition to all the head trauma, they also have age working against them.

Don't be fooled by the looks that she got.
She's still, she's still Griselda from the Blanco.

I have a friend with whom I'll enjoy a cigar every now and then. And that quote comes out every single time. While holding the cigar, of course.

The look on Joey's face makes this even funnier. He's all like "Oh shit, is he leaning against me?"

I met that man. And I got kicked in the taco!

Frank did say he was hoping to use Family Fight as a platform to lay out his political agenda. He never got around to it, though.

True as that is, any of the others would also beat Dylan in an audition. I love the guy, but Bob Dylan does not have the kind of voice that wins singing auditions.

I have no idea what any of that means, but it's always cool when you have a dream you really enjoy.