Spiel who?
Spiel who?
How do you keep up with the news like that?
I kept waiting for Rabin to point that out, too. I mean, he pointed out many other instances of Zmuda's bullshit, but that seems like an especially egregious one.
*Goofs on Elvis, "Hey Baby!"*
But I can still tell your mom all my deepest, darkest, most depraved sexual urges, right?
Is it just a north/northeastern Brazil thing where they pronounce Rs like Americans pronounce Hs? In my trips there I heard them say "hey-ow" or "hey-ahl" or pronounce the name Roberto as Hoberto, or talk about Elton John's "Hocket Man."
I've heard it pronounced more like "hey-ow."
And with the lung capacity of a world class swimmer, just imagine the size of bong rips that guy could take.
He does have a questionable hairdo.
Almost as good of a burn job as that incinerator did.
They're about as appealing as a rat salad.
And they still do. Because they have competitors like FedEx, UPS, DHL and so on.
Did somebody get beaned by that foul ball due to your last-second fake out?
I don't know about Hong Kong, but New York's alright
Being that I was born on the bayou, I just heard them all the time.
I had a Beach Boys and Jan and Dean comp that we got in the clearance bin at a Wal-Mart. I played that son of a bitch until it was completely worn out.
It wasn't my first tape, but I had the Ghostbusters soundtrack long before my parents allowed me to watch the movie.
The Florida Taco Commission is notoriously prudish.
I saw Public Enemy at a free show in June and he was on it.