Drusus Nero

Yeah I saw it all over facebook today. I didn't even know there was a u of c admissions tumblr. What does that even mean. I am old.

GASP will it be signed by you? I may even open alumni mail if so!

GASP will it be signed by you? I may even open alumni mail if so!

But… Brianna Barksdale! That's instant cred!

But… Brianna Barksdale! That's instant cred!

Ugh and then in the confessional thing he was all YAY KRISTEN WON as if they are now all of a sudden on some life team. That made me cringe so hard I almost fell off the couch.

Ugh and then in the confessional thing he was all YAY KRISTEN WON as if they are now all of a sudden on some life team. That made me cringe so hard I almost fell off the couch.

YES I thought the same thing, they had such a McPoyle vibe. And when one of them joked "I'm the better looking brother" it was so awkward because it was kind of true, like he was the Liam to the other dude's Ryan.

YES I thought the same thing, they had such a McPoyle vibe. And when one of them joked "I'm the better looking brother" it was so awkward because it was kind of true, like he was the Liam to the other dude's Ryan.

Ew Stefan she is not going to take you seriously stop making an ass of yourself. Gross.

Ew Stefan she is not going to take you seriously stop making an ass of yourself. Gross.

@marksoc Oh, you and your tired misogyny. Don't you have better things to do/say.

@marksoc Oh, you and your tired misogyny. Don't you have better things to do/say.

-Tilda Swinton with aged makeup for Granny Weatherwax.
-Chris Evans for Carrot. Or a beefed up Eddie Redmayne but that would never happen because he is a willowy Eton boy.
-Ewan McGregor for Moist.

-Tilda Swinton with aged makeup for Granny Weatherwax.
-Chris Evans for Carrot. Or a beefed up Eddie Redmayne but that would never happen because he is a willowy Eton boy.
-Ewan McGregor for Moist.

Yeah I'm surprised he spoke so strongly about Snuff—I thought it was a bit formulaic. After eighty billion successes it just doesn't seem like there's much self doubt left for Vimes, and I found the general send-up of Austen-like or Victorian culture/comedy of manners pretty toothless (which is a shame because I love

Yeah I'm surprised he spoke so strongly about Snuff—I thought it was a bit formulaic. After eighty billion successes it just doesn't seem like there's much self doubt left for Vimes, and I found the general send-up of Austen-like or Victorian culture/comedy of manners pretty toothless (which is a shame because I love

I agree; I benefitted from reading Good Omens before I knew who Neil Gaiman was and all the critical hooplah (both positive and negative) around him. Even now I secretly think of him as That Guy Who Got To Write A Book With The Great Terry Pratchett That One Time.

I agree; I benefitted from reading Good Omens before I knew who Neil Gaiman was and all the critical hooplah (both positive and negative) around him. Even now I secretly think of him as That Guy Who Got To Write A Book With The Great Terry Pratchett That One Time.

I remember thinking Pyramids was a little flimsy, like the early-ish ones occasionally were even after getting into the groove of things (I basically discount the first three books and think of the series as starting with Mort). Maybe I should revisit it.