Drusus Nero

Same here. I had never heard of "Cal" until I got here. It somehow sounds shinier than the reality of urine and bongwater-drenched Berkeley.

WHAT is with all the hate for Thud! here? (I get your point about "I'm Terry Pratchett and have Things To Say" though). The dwarf turning to his cultural faith in his dying moments to scrawl a curse on everyone was chilling and compelling; and I've heard from parents that Vimes' reaction of both overwhelming love and

Whoa whoa whoa whoa you're putting Snuff and Thud! at the same level? Thud! is up there with Nightwatch. I reread Thud! all the time, whereas Snuff hadn't merited even a second read yet.

YES, THANK YOU. SweetTarts changing their lime to green apple was the worst mistake in the history of candy confection. I was out of the country when it happened and I returned to the ruins of a once delicious candy landscape.

And that's weird too—Kristen made the beef dish, the dessert, AND Josie's seafood, all while managing the whole kitchen? So the only thing Josie actually cooked was the sauce for one dish, and she still managed to fuck it up with her complete lack of time management, so that it ended up being compromised by the last

I was surprised at how deeply affected I was by this episode. I hate to say it, but that was extremely compelling television. A lot of people are complaining that this is another indication that the show has indeed decreased in quality after seemingly redeeming itself after the ridiculousness of Texas's season 9, but

That was the most animated I've ever seen her. Her robot eyes were a-beeping and her robot arms were a-waving.

I knew I was being played but I watched LCK for the first time ever tonight anyway. I guess it was worth it.

But Brooke's immunity doesn't carry over to the next episode, or does it? She could go home next week.

Right, and on the men's side those two big egos will be expected to act in support of someone else's concept, which may be difficult to wrangle. Sheldon seems too nice and quiet to bully them into submission. However they're still better bets than Josie's weird incompetence with time management and execution.

You feel that way because Stefan is an unmitigated, unrelenting creep to her and everyone should feel uncomfortable. That said, she herself doesn't seem too weirded out by it. I keep expecting/hoping for her to roll her eyes or shudder or hit him with a GE Monogram spatula but she's always really gracious and chill.

New Girl hands down. Happy Endings feels a lot flimsier—like the characters and situations are really cartoony but not in a deliberate absurdist way, more in a shoddy/disengaged-writing way.

Oooooh you're right!

Right and while it seems paradoxical that he would go all the way there to just act like a dick it's pretty much in keeping with control-freak-ish assholes to feel like he's been so magnanimous to even show up for her family's wedding that now he has the right, nay the OBLIGATION to act like a whiny jerk.

OK wait SERIOUS STAGING TALK now because you bring up a thing I spent multiple minutes thinking about tonight: Mary's bedroom used to be one with red wallpaper and accents, right? Like, burgundy wallpaper with swirly gold accents. But during the night-before-the-wedding fight I noticed she was in a room with light

Excuse you I'd love to wear a lavender velvet sack if I ever get pregnant. It's that terrible haircut and having to endure the uncouth behavior of Lord Former Suitor Westingtonsherchire that made her all awkward looking.

Ugh yes I am so torn between what the show wants me to think about him as basically a swoonworthy hero of cross-class romantic revolutionary sexypantness and the reality of his behavior as a gross hobbity self righteous sexist control freak. And by torn I mean I really think the latter but am sad about it because he's

Most of the dishes looked pretty boring but I think Kristen did some cool stuff with her deconstructed pot pie (e.g., the tofu) to make it a not-gross lighter alternative, unlike the flavorless tofu foam elsewhere.

There was so much emphasis in the first few scenes on Sheldon's irrelevant routine of sharpening his knives daily that I figured it was either the losing or winning edit. It turned out to be neither, as his knife skills weren't good enough to slice carpaccio properly but not bad enough to even land him in the bottom.

Yeah I saw it all over facebook today. I didn't even know there was a u of c admissions tumblr. What does that even mean. I am old.