Drusus Nero

That's nonsense. Anyone who cooks anything from Louisiana/New Orleans cuisine still uses a roux for like everything. Try making gumbo without roux, it would be a swampy mess.

Wow that review is an incoherent mess. Beyonce went to an indie concert once, your record in invalid.

It brought back images of the Velveteen Rabbit which made me… uncomfortable.

I think Michael Pitt is playing him very well; his skittishness and unease (like at the meeting at his house) is really palpable—as is his overenthusiastic relief when he has a moment's reprieve, like with the floozies.

Me too, a full-on shout of AAARGHGHGBLGH at the tv. It very much startled my dog.

I found Monstrous Regiment kind of meh the first time I read it, but loved it on rereads.

Wow I hadn't realized how much Buscemi has aged until seeing that picture. He looks quite dashing up there after months of my watching his wrinkled self on Boardwalk Empire.

YES—I had the idea that the next Discworld novel was going to be Raising Taxes (from the Going Postal and Making Money sub-series); this came totally out of the blue for me.

I'm a little drunk and exuberant but I just wanted to express how much I really, truly love this show. There has been a lot of "oh well I watch it when it's on but whatever it's kind of slow and boring and I only like it because I feel obligated to enjoy lushly produced HBO shows blablablaah," and maybe I'm missing

But there was something weird about her file that Van Alden was looking up last season, right? She was 16 and Pregnant when she came over to America, and it's not clear how that happened—I assumed she met Schroeder in the States, so there was some indication that she was leaving a bad situation in Ireland.

Oh no, a woman who enjoys and is aggressive about her sexuality, whatever will we internet neckbeards do.

That magical world one was my favorite, I must have reread it a hundred times. There was another special edition one in which a haunted carnival comes to town and Elizabeth befriends a girl named Christine who turns out to be TOTALLY DEAD.

Viktor's behavior was utterly inexcusable. I was so blinded by his freakish childishness I didn't even realize Bert was supposed to be getting a villain edit. I just thought he was trying to handle his unfortunate situation of being partnered up with a squealing, recriminating bug-eyed hamster.

One inexplicably enduring image for me is Chester (the extra jittery friend of their was Chester, right?) explaining that his method of flirting was keeping cereal in his pockets to feed the ladies.

Yeah, I feel the same way about 300. I am for the most part a pretty strident feminist but there just seems to be a moral gap in my feminist morals when it comes to cartoony adaptations of ancient history. Or maybe just Frank Miller—I'll sometimes read his atrociously misogynistic things and be like "Oh, you!"

To be fair, even without the atrophy you probably couldn't have understood it.

Terry Gilliam
I don't think this ever went further than vague conversations, but I would love to see Terry Gilliam's adaptation of Good Omens.

Ed, yes, I remember getting excited on Wednesday mornings because they would have updated the site by the time I got to work.

Agreed. I thought it was riveting, and not necessarily from a drama-mongering perspective. I also liked Tom Colicchio's pretty immediate disclaimer, as soon as the judges started debating after the chefs left the room, that it was fine for Jen to act all crazypants as long as she made good food, and that he kind of