Drusus Nero

Aaaawww congratulations!

What Elitist Trash said. HATED that movie. I couldn't finish it; it was so revoltingly self-consciously twee. Ugh.

Yes, Deadwood feels like a much more allegorical take on the underlying tensions of any (newly forming) society; it could almost read like a case study or experiment based on seventeenth-century political philosophy. Its historical detail and intricate setting grounding it in the Wild West help to give it a more

Me too! Maybe because it continues to happen? And all the times this guy gets his ass kicked or eye bashed in kind of blend into one?

Wait, what? A guy's show? Because of the… violence? occasional gratuitous sex? That seems like such a weird assessment—I'm really curious as to why someone would classify it like that.

I take it you're not a fan of the sanctimonious commercials about how awesome high fructose corn syrup is?

yes, it was terrible. I rented it at 15 with (fellow gothy-ish) friends and remember all of us sitting in embarrassed silence after it ended. It was probably the first of many indications that most goths are morons.

I was living in Chicago when the Meat Wave article came out,

You may return my Smyth
I was absolutely floored when this came out:

I have no idea where to put this comment, but my stop everything thingies touch on all sorts of segments here.

The Shining is scary no matter what your age. The twins from the Shining and the dwarf from Lost Highway are just categorically terrifying.

Didn't there use to be a San Francisco Decider? Is there no longer one?

Mind. Blown.

My family's awesome, sweet dog was hit and killed by a UPS truck yesterday; he would have been three years old next week. This week sucks.

Oh yay I love this director, I didn't know she had something new coming out. This is a great review, and I'm looking forward to seeing the film.

MOTO is tons of fun, but I don't think it's anywhere near the level of Alinea (which is basically performance art that just happens to involve food, and it's awesome). Though speaking of donuts, MOTO has a disgusting-if-you-think-about-it-too-much viscous "liquid donut" dessert drink.

Yeah, I know Atlanta isn't deep deep South (it would be fantastic to see more New Orleans chefs), but it's great that these contestants are bringing recognition to an interesting culinary city. The last time I was there I had nothing but awesome meals.

Mani-GOT! (I'd never heard that before the Sopranos.)

I did like the idea of the dish with booze as its vice that featured liver—it made the other straight-booze dishes look uninspired.

Oh god that tattoo—it made me choke just looking at it and imagining the discomfort of having it done. Also, wasn't it vaguely… anatomical-looking? Like a heart with ventricles?