The Avenging Unemployed Copy E

I heard the Department of Irony was still looking into the Ender series' going on for 11 books.

"Ground" the Roots, invite her back on, have OutKast serenade her with "Roses," and see if she gets that one.

I had a discussion about that with my former boss the other day: Why do newspaper folk, who are borderline OCD about spelling and grammar, deliberately misspell so many things? Is it to draw a distinction between stuff like "lead" and "lede" ("If it bleeds, it leads") "graf" and "graph," "hed" and "head"?

A friend of mine had Blair as a T.A. at Maryland.
Even my unemployed ass appreciates the humor in the career arcs of Messrs. Blair, Glass and Carr versus Mr. AUCE, though.

Is Summit onto a Mormon thing? Aren't Meyer and Card both LDS?

You should all read "To Hate Like This Is to Be Happy Forever" and get back to me.

Interesting: The byline and first graf suggest that Emily is filling in for Emily. Malkovich Malkovich?

He says, "in the world of American sports," which suggests Auburn-Bama eclipses Yankees-Sox, Dodgers-Giants, Ravens-Steelers, Lanche-Wings or Raiders-common sense in terms of hatred. Just in U.S. college sports, you've got GT-Georgia ("Good Old-Fashioned Hate") Dook-Carolina, Cal-Stanford ( both which I always thought

Didn't they get their name from an unemployment form? (U2 as well?)

One of the fatwas was from Brother Mouzone.

Regarding story songs: I got into Atmosphere kind of late, and so I loved the kind of twist at the end of "The Waitress."

Was that Rodrigo y Gabriela playing when they torched the lab?

I find myself in agreement with Bourne: "While I'm fine with the message, it's the delivery method that seems to be lacking." Why do the evangelicals/culture warriors/fans of Kirk Cameron films always have such poor spelling and grammar? I might find the entreaties of the militarized brotherhood of Christ more

I think "ricinette" needs to be a word, and maybe a login.

Haha: from the White Flower Farm, no less.

"Cachet," pronounced the same as "cache" but meaning something different — since the 1630s.

I guess the peril in "Virgin Killer" is only implied.
And I think you dropped a word ("end") on the Sebadoh entry.

Or that one Gibson short story "Hinterlands." Reminded me of the good parts of "Event Horizon."

After the flood …
… before the change: I guess I always thought of Phil Anselmo as Pantera's vocalist and Dime as the guitarist, but WTF do I know? I'm unemployed.

I can already see it as a Joseph Ducreux: "Accompany me if you so desire to continue existing." Or some shit.