The Avenging Unemployed Copy E

Hand-drawn "Terminator 2" remake
I admit that I still need to see this, but I can't imagine how it would be better than the hand-drawn "T2" mashup over at howitshouldhaveended.com: It's brilliant.

I wouldn't say it's "terrible," but …
"Fox Confessor Brings the Flood" is PAINFULLY literal.

Yeah: I was wondering the same thing as Grail. MGMT's "Congratulations"? I find myself among the dwindling defenders of "St. Anger," but it's not as good as the art.

Yeah, man. That's just … goddamn …

Also, the actress's name is Tiffani-Amber Thiessen; even if Screech calls her "Amber-Thiessen," it's not her last name, and N. Rabin repeated the mistake.

… is NOT a synonym for "appropriate."

Yeah: I guess I skip a lot of the Czech stuff at the beginning, but I've reread the rest of the book numerous times — and probably will do it again.
Also, the period in my initial post should have gone outside the close parenthesis. Sorry! The longer I stay unemployed, the dumber (and more avenging) I get.

Only within context. If you didn't have the succeding sentence with "again," it's vague at best who won the first race. The "Emmy" sentence pretty clearly drops the "the" (not the band).
Also, I'm not convinced either one of these parenthetical clauses makes sense: "(implausibly on the road of an Upper West Side

"The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay"
As well as "Neuromancer" and "A Long Way Down." The latter two got better the more times I read them (and I have to read Gibson about three or four times just to realize how little I "get.") "Read it 'til you like it": maybe not a bad motto for an unemployed copy editor?

Weird sentences
"Lois' boss is Duncan Meyer, a high school-mate of Jerry's who always suspected (correctly) that he'd won a foot race by getting a head start, but has never been able to prove it since Jerry refused to run ever again."
But Jerry won, right? And:
"She won her only Emmy for the show next year."
This has to

Shouldn't it be …
… "The Teddy Bears' Picnic"? It wouldn't be much of a picnic with just one teddy bear. (Also, I looked it up.)
Seriously, A.V. Club: Plural and possessive aren't mutually exclusive.

Is he …
… "Dr. Huge Strange," as in the first graf, or "Dr. Hugo Strange," as in the third? Because the first option is a MUCH better name.
Also, I just realized that the acronym for "Batman: The Animated Series" is almost "BATS": Whoa.

Woops: I meant "Jean-Pierre."

Which one's the Dardenne?
Jeanne-Pierre or Luc?
(Plural possessive is not THAT hard; I know it and I'm freaking unemployed!)

I wish I were British
The way you can just casually toss off the old "C U next Tuesday" word and nobody gets upset? It's like a superpower.

Instead of a pharmacy …
… I assume they'll just have a dispensary?

More reasons …
… to despise Katy Perry.

I've definitely puked on a couple of couches and peed in more than a few of my friends' yards, but never actually crossed the streams.

Yeah: I remember having the same questions about Poppie's, uh, performance on the couch. I wondered if they were insinuating that he sh*t himself on the couch and then backed off, split the difference and ended up with the implausible puddle of pee.

I think Kubrick filmed some of "The Shining" in Boulder, but GeoGreg's right: The exterior of the Overlook is the Timberline Lodge at Mount Hood, Ore., and the interior was Stanley-inspired but was a soundstage.
Didn't they film some of either the miniseries or the remake at the old Stapleton airport?
As a bonus, you