Unique Thinker

Well, when you put it that way, maybe you're right!

Probably not…

Mike had a nice trip to the park with his granddaughter, and bought her an ice cream cone.

I found it the opposite wrt the fart jokes—didn't care for the one in the first episode, really liked the one tonight.

Dear AV Clubbers,
Everybody loves a clown, so why don't you?
Everybody laughs at the things that I say and do.
They all laugh when they say me coming,
But you don't laugh; you just go home running.


Yep, that's about what I expected to hear.

Tales from the Crypt spec script
Not sure if this is gonna interest anyone, but I once wrote a spec script for the original series, just for the fuck of it (never shared it with anyone but my brother):

Ludivine Sagnier
Sagnier has such great assets as an actress. She's eloquent, emotionally expressive, intelligent. Just such…nice…assets.

You're right, LT, that the importation of Russian words definitely qualifies as "twisting the language" (I think I even use that phrase to describe it above), but not, strictly speaking, twisting the *English* language.

Why, what's happening in NYC?

Why would a deaf person be a fan of Marilyn Manson, a musician?

Well, the hack movie critics will love it anyway.
So, is Battleship a "hit" or a "miss"?

Hey, me too! *throws awkward high-five that misses fatandsloppy's hand completely*

I think that Dim's comeback to Alex when he hits his leg and tells him to learn how to comport himself public-wise—"Yarbles. Big bolshy yarblokos to you…"—makes the connection to "apple" [yabloko] pretty clear, and the stressed "ya-" does bring the "-r-" sound out pretty clearly in English pronunciation. I do think

Yes, Burgess was brilliant, and did twist both the English and Russian languages around a lot, but the Russian words are brought into the English dialect with virtually the same meaning as they had in Russian (yes, there are exceptions: "yarbles" actually translates as "apples" [yarbloki], but it's not a stretch to

The world can let out its collectively-held breath.

Seriously, what were the promoters thinking, letting this go on for so long? I mean, even if they couldn't do anything about the guy filming (which is understandable, I guess), why would they just let an act stay up on stage for that long without being even remotely entertaining? Break out the "Wrap It Up" box at

@Hipster D-bag

My real name is pronounced exactly the same as that of the lead singer of The Ataris (a band who I'm familiar with only because of that shitty cover of "Boys of Summer" from a few years ago); however, both the first and last names are spelled differently.