
Is that a cover of John Prine's "Paradise?" If so, I must track this down.

Louis CK=funnier after kids. It can happen, folks.

I just watched her Conan appearance from last night and she charmed my pajamas off. If she could bring her natural likeability to an actual role that would be nice. I'm hoping she gets a chance to do that here.

Dear Comedy Central: Patrice O'Neal lives in New York City, I believe. Get him on these.
P.S. More Norm

Late World with Zack felt perfect for me. I've got his old dvd that had some clips, but I'd love to find all of those episodes. Or at least the Fred Willard episode. I remember that being one of the funniest half hours of tv I'd ever seen, but my memory is so, um, hazy.

Baby Pranks

erect me baby. every time, dammit. that's all i hear.

I like Pan's Labrinth, and I'm not just trying to contrarian, but I thought The Devil's Backbone was much better.

Miller—all that comes to mind is Beautiful Girls and the GREAT Breaking Away.

and none of them are 12.

More sexy female werewolfs please.
not cgi.
thank you.
i'm weird.
and off to watch Ginger Snaps again.

Not much to add except
I got to hang out with Eugene a little bit last year and he couldn't have been a sweeter man. I'm rooting for him in all endeavors.

Woah, I was a big Homicide LOTS fan but didn't know the network forced her out. That goes a long way to explain the last 2 seasons of that show (which I pretend never happened).

I was about to defend Hillary Duff
but then I realized I was thinking of Mandy Moore.

You're 'Howard' now.

Nick D
is the only great talk show host left on Chicago radio. And a stand-up individual.

Nazy! Nazi! Naze!
I'll just watch BLACK BOOK again.

Oh, add Westerberg's "49:00" on there.
I'll leave you alone now.

It goes:
1. Dr. Dog "Fate"
2. Drive-By Truckers "Brighter Than Creation's Dark" (I know they're no longer hip, but that's the best country album in years
3. Parts & Labor "Receivers"

Ok, Reginald VelJohnson?