
Didn't Errol see them driving to the Holler while he was driving away?

Whenever I think of Hee-Haw I smell my mother curling her hair.

Park Slope? Williamsburg? Nobody ever gets the nuances of Western Kentucky right.

The National is originally from Cincinnati. They have every fucking right to sound sad.

Oh Capper, enjoy Fat City. One of my all time favs. From the opening Kristofferson tune you'll be in downer heaven.

So no Chip Coffey cameo?
Shit. The guy's a genius.

I dug Essence quite a bit.

The villain in D&C is Wiley Wiggins' hair. It just won't stay out of his eyes, man.

I still think ZMF is really David Sedaris.

Palin's idiocy should be a non-partisan issue.

I only have "Crazy Rhythms" and "Time for a Witness" and have worn them out. Saw them live a month ago and they still bring it…hard.

What if
"War Elephant" is my favorite discovery of the last 3-4 months? Predict how I will feel about this album.

You know who's great at endings?
Ricky Gervais. Every finale special he's ever done makes me laugh and cry and creates the feeling that I was watching great art that had something beautiful to say about the human condition. Well, I guess there's just 2, but still.

"The Subway" episode of Homicide: Life on the Street
absolute KILLS me. It's basically just an hour of a dying Vincent D'Onofrio having a final conversation with the Great Andre Braugher-and knowing Pembleton's issues with religion and fairness just makes it deeper. Amazing stuff. Go find it.

Tenement is probably in my top 5 sketches ever. Every line of it still makes me laugh.

I thought the same thing and how they could finally play something for laughs by just having dead body pile up on top of dead body like some sort of Venture Brothers gag.

A Question regarding "The Bracket"
I catch this show intermittently, but did they ever reveal who the girl was behind the Barney slandering? The narrator hints it will be revealed.

Can we please start the Dean Norris best supporting actor chatter now?
The guy is doing amazing, naturalistic things with this character, which is rapidly becoming one of the most well-drawn in television. He never misplays a scene.

I think I hate Boondock Saints more than any film I've ever seen. Partly hype; partly loss of respect of a friend's intelligence, mostly horrible movie. Boondock Saints just strains for everything, like a goth kid getting into death metal and trying to convince you that it's always been his passion. God I hate the

Norm is THE best talk show guest ever
The bed and breakfast/scrabble story here is one of my favorites: