
Hey Christian Slater!
We've killed off every character but Sylar, HRG, and the black kid from The Wire. And you're on this show now as the new villian.

Dirty Work
i don't care. it's fucking funny.

Demand for Shawn Ryan
Submit CCH's "N-word" scene in the interrogation room to the Emmy voters.

Check out this wonderful interview:

and the highest sales taxes on the planet.

and the highest sales taxes on the planet.

Mark it
Oct. 21st episode.
Best. Shield. Ever?
Amazing. I had a knot in my chest for 30+ minutes and the acting was a high water mark. Seriously people.

Annie Hall
If you don't like it you hate humor, neuroses, romance and nostalgia and I assume you are, therefore, pretty heartless and dull.

Fat City
is one of my favorite films ever and I'd fight Stacy Keach to see it on the big screen. Also, the best version of "Help Me Make it Through the Night" I've ever heard. GAWD, that movie's underappreciated.

thanks very much
Glad you guys are doing this since Netflix no longer informs you of new releases.

Yeah, don't talk that way about Palin, you sexist!

I just read the review in the Chicago Reader during lunch and they gave it four stars. Four. They hate giving stars to mainstream films. I was actually looking forward to it until now and am curious if you read J.R. Jones' review.

Sometimes we would mix the "beer" with beer.

More Dutch Too!
Best check yoself before you talk shit about Danny again. Not in my dojo.

Man Bites Dog was undeniably more successful, but I think BTM has it's own merits and isn't merely the same idea as MBD.

Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
I'm curious what the AVClub thought of this little flick. I really enjoyed it and it went places I honestly didn't see coming.

The Shield
tonight bitches.
that's right.
last season.
oh my god yes.

Yep. I really enjoyed this piece and it made me wanna plug my favorite Chicago band that doesn't get much pub: Big Buildings. I love those motherfuckers:

speaking of eThings
Live Drive-By Truckers show is on right now:

Off Topic: Don Helms RIP
Wow. A true giant died today. Just take a gander at all the songs he played on.