The Metatron

I enjoyed it, but yes, the middle seasons were not so good.

I enjoyed it, but yes, the middle seasons were not so good.

Ansa ya telaphone. Even if it isn't ringing.

Ansa ya telaphone. Even if it isn't ringing.

Also, it appears Louis CK tweeted at Tosh coincidentally, not to support his stance, though he does defend a comedian's right to joke about everything.

Also, it appears Louis CK tweeted at Tosh coincidentally, not to support his stance, though he does defend a comedian's right to joke about everything.

*covers eyes and peeks through fingers*

*covers eyes and peeks through fingers*

Considering we shares 95-99% of our DNA with chimps and are morphologically very different, I think you can imagine how we could have the "same" DNA and still end up being very different.

Considering we shares 95-99% of our DNA with chimps and are morphologically very different, I think you can imagine how we could have the "same" DNA and still end up being very different.

Yeah I live in NYC and it's not that common to use the term fuck to refer to actual fucking. It is far more commonly used as an expletive or modifier of some sort.



I just have to say, I find Hannah to be extremely annoying and yet I found this episode hilarious.

Afghamistam, to be completely fair, a lot of those countries were landlocked as fuck and didn't have the seapower to go dominate indigenous peoples.

Maybe the big international markets are even more racist than the US?

I do not know what you mean about the Craster thing. In the books, they stop there on the way to the Fist of the First Men and it is hinted at that Craster has done something with his sons. So maybe it's less subtle to show the White Walker, but at the same time they have to be a little more direct on the show since