Cobra Commander

Looks like it might bet interesting with Alec (Drew?) being too much of a dudebro and making Jacelyn question which alliance her and Jon should be in.

Man I hope this Jeremy vs Josh thing dies. Those are my only picks left goddammit. Target Reed or something I don't give a shit about him.

Hey Judge, can you explain how the points work again?

Yeah he is fading into the scenery a bit. Although I don't think there is anyone that has completely disappeared in this season…maybe Missy.

We're both out of work bartenders! That's an unbreakable code!

Jon voted for Keith. Reed voted for Julie.

That's what I was thinking too. But I'm happy to see Drew gone. I still don't know where everyone stands in this tribe, maybe it will be clearer with the swap next week.

Yeah I'm noticing that more this season. I wonder if it's due to the issues with the post production team negotiating for better terms.

Yeah I kind of wish they would stop this stunt casting. I think it adds too much distraction from the game having "famous" players.

That would be interesting to see. When one tribe wins enough they eventually want to get rid of their dead wood. I think that feeling would be amplified with loved ones on the other tribe.

John should have thought that Jaclyn meant that things were going to be shaken up with Dale being voted out, but his reaction shot just looked confused. Actually confused may just be his default look.

It said he changed his vote to Val? Sorry I must have heard that wrong and was very confused.

Is it just me or did the previously on Survivor not make any
sense? It said that Josh went against the plan and voted for Baylor, but wasn’t
their plan to tie the vote at first between Val and Baylor in case Val had an
idol and then to vote Val in the re-vote?

Great! Thanks

Can I still get in on this? My picks are Jeremy, Kelley, Josh,and Baylor.

Yeah this is the only place I comment. I'm really glad this is back.

I actually quite like some of these episodes, except for all the Byron stuff. In Secrets of the Soul I thought the Hayakdo stuff was pretty cool and showed us some things we hadn't seen before, but it felt like we didn't get to spend enough time on it. In my mind I always thought it was an episode from an earlier

Oh I agree, I love the fight to liberate Earth. And I think it works really well that they have set it up as something they are going to have to fix after they Shadow war is over.

I like the scene too, especially the League aliens standing around feeling bad about what Sheridan asked Erickson. I think the line works in that it's supposed to be this awkward thing Sheridan has to do.

Speaking of similarities to Lord of the Rings I just thought of something. Having Sheridan and company go straighten out what's been happening back on Earth is a bit like what the Hobbits had to do in the Shire at the end of Return of the King. I'm probably just reading too much into this, but this is what I thought