Cobra Commander

Hey wait…what happened to Carrie?

My favorite part was that Hayden just sucks at challenges.

I missed the Brawn part. All I could think of was Brains brersus Beauty.

I actually hope they don't do a tribal shuffle and just let Tadhana keep losing.

I miss Tarzan. Maybe if he came back he would bring back his brother who's also called Tarzan, just to be extra confusing.

But, isn't she just the worst? The family member tribe is making big moves, but it doesn't seem like they are getting any stronger.

When she was gone?

When I first heard the description of this season I wasn't going to watch it, but I'm really glad I changed my mind. I think it helps that we lost 2 of the players early on that I wasn't looking forward to watching.

I'm really liking Gervase and Tyson as a team. They're going to bring quite a bit of humour to the game if they stick around.

I don't know, I still think that Redemption Island takes up too much time in an episode. I will admit that it's better than I thought it would be, but it feels like we're missing too much time back at camp.

And that it sucks the flow out of episodes. We have to watch people who have already been voted out compete to see who really gets voted out. It's stupid, and makes the tribal council vote mean less

The switching twist is a good one, even if RI is still not that great an idea. I wonder if it might be better to not show (to us or the other tribes) what's happening on RI until the they're ready to bring the winner back? Then devote an episode to what's been happening on RI. Probably wouldn't work with the switching

I don't think Marissa was too surprised. At least Gervase is consistent…and still can't swim.

Yeah I hope they just completely ignore Colton until they can vote him off. I'm so glad that his shit doesn't work with experienced players.

Yet I'm loving the Gervase reaction shots.

I missed Rupert's first season, I think I first saw him on All Stars, and was not impressed. I think it might have been big Tom in the family episode who said how disgusting it was when he was slobbering all over his wife.

An interesting aside: A rooster doesn't even have a penis.

Yes too bad about Erik. I thought he might have had chance, but maybe not really against Cochran.
And I really hope they avoid casting the crazies next time. Not enjoyable to watch.

I think Eddie's logic was too good. Cochran realized that he was a threat. Too bad he won't have the money for the bar/dog shelter.

Ugh. Family members? That's always the worst episode of the whole season.  Are they seriously doing this?