Cobra Commander

I thought Dawn was going to take it too. She must have been more horrible to be with than was shown to not even get one vote. She even did exactly what Malcolm asked and he still didn't vote for her (not sure if this was covered in the reunion, I had to turn it off in disgust).

Yes hate Dawn. I'm sure it's hard and you miss your family, but just shut up about it for 5 minutes.

I thought he was playing one of those double guitars.

The thing that bothered me was wouldn't Datak be a bit more pissed that "his" Bio-man was off running some scheme that he was not involved with? Or do we think that Datak was involved with the adrenaline extraction?

The future is such a disappointment. Where is our smell-o-vision already!

Yes, I'd like to see more about the greater world, to see where Defiance fits into it. There has to be more than just a brothel and fruit vendors.

Yeah I kind of kept expecting her to put a shirt on, but nope just the bra.

How soon do we think the mayor election will be? My thinking was that the comment by Top Hat was just to prime us for when the election does happen so that we're not surprised that it came out of the blue.

I think that SFX have come a long way, but I think there can be an over reliance on them, of being too proud of how good they look. Sometimes I think that less is more, in that when we get a really good look at the SFX they don't quite look as good.

Hmmm yeah that doesn't make sense. Maybe there is an age limit to being mayor? That's what I'm going to beleive rather than acknolwledge the plot hole.

I felt this was a good use of the "these aliens have special powers" device. In this case it felt right, and I think added a bit more depth to the show. I hope we see more of this in the future…but not too much.

I was on the fence with this show, but I think this episode made me want to keep watching. It's not a perfect show, but I'm interested and will be coming back for more.

So was the neo-Nazi the fat one or the skinny one?

Ah good to know. Thank you.

Does anyone know if there are any spoilers in the commentary tracks? I have seen some scattered episodes of Farscape in the past, but I'm trying to watch this fresh and don't want to get spoiled.

But where was Jeff with "Drop your buff's". Goddammit I need that!

I think the problem with trying to vote Phillip out was that they really only had five votes because Eric wasn't with them. So the correct move would have been to vote Sherri out and then once everyone agrees with you to shut the fuck up about it.

He might be playing smart? Seeing who is going to come out on top and then siding with them. With his potential in immunity challenges he could have a shot as long as he doesn't seem like too much of a threat. But, I think he's going to need to make an alliance soon. 

I'm really pulling for Cochran and Dawn in this one. Seems like they are pretty solid and duo's become very important as the game goes on.

Yeah I was starting to enjoy her too. Kind of a bitch, but an entertaining one.