So, could they go back and dig up all those turtle eggs? Or would a Survivor producer stop them from doing that?
So, could they go back and dig up all those turtle eggs? Or would a Survivor producer stop them from doing that?
Except for tall girl, I still don't know what her name is.
Fat guys.
Watching the monkeys fuck is at least better than just lying there complaining about how tired and hungry you are.
Thanks Jay! I really appreciate and look forward to your reviews. They have greatly added to my enjoyment of Jeapordy!
Yeah I thought Oasis too, but then I read the clue again and the widely recognized part made me think you had to name all the members and I couldn't do that with Oasis. So my next though was Spice Girls.
And I'm sinking like a stone with no picks left. I'm terrible at this.
It's like that season with Fabio and the woman who destroyed that guys shoes (sorry too lazy to look this up) where all the people they built up get voted out and we're left with a bunch of people we don't know.
Jeremy was my last pick left in the league :(
The strategy does seem a bit crazy but at least it might make the rest of the season more interesting rather than an inevitable final 6. It's good news for anyone with an idol.
Yeah it's almost like the producers of Survivor have some sort of a Christian agenda…
I think I want Natalie to win this. I didn't like her at all when she was with her twin, but she seems much more likable on her own.
I didn't even catch on at that point. I thought what Natalie said was just setting up a possible voting out Jeremy for a future episode. I really thought that Reed was going to go.
This continues the theme of Missy making terrible decisions. Why would you go against your alliance from the beginning for a couple that is constantly flipping from one side to the other?
I totally agree with Carrie on this. A blindside for blindsides sake is not really enjoyable. I mean I was totally surprised by the vote, but it would have been much more interesting for me to see how this all played out and see how how surprised Natalie was rather than surprising me for 10 seconds.
God Dammit! I've just got Jeremy left. I sure hope he goes on an immunity rampage. Ah who am I kidding I'm probably screwed anyway.
Makes you wonder why all those other dudes left.
I don't know I think Survivor really wants to show that Missy with her 32 divorces is terrible at making decisions and she is still making terrible decisions.
I think Malcolm did the same thing on his first season. I think it was a shout out to his mom or something.